Un mondo ridotto all’osso https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/08/03/un-mondo-ridotto-allosso/ #ConteadiYoknapatawpha #ValentinaDaniele #EnneEnneEditore #WilliamFaulkner #CornacMcCarthy #DanielWoodrell #ClintEastwood #KevinCostner #ingiustizia #PeterFarris #Yellowstone #Recensioni #tecnologia #DonSiegel #progresso #america #natura #terra #Vizio #Male #noir #sud
#ConteadiYoknapatawpha #ValentinaDaniele #EnneEnneEditore #williamfaulkner #CornacMcCarthy #DanielWoodrell #clinteastwood #kevincostner #ingiustizia #PeterFarris #yellowstone #recensioni #tecnologia #DonSiegel #progresso #america #natura #terra #vizio #male #noir #sud
Elogio dell’eccesso /3: Cormac McCarthy e il rosso della sera dell’Occidente https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/07/20/elogio-delleccesso-3-cormac-mccarthy-il-rosso-della-sera-delloccidente/ #AcademyofArtsandLetters #borsadistudioMacArthur #Ilguardianodelfrutteto #FondazioneGuggenheim #FondazioneRockfeller #letteraturaamericana #Nonèunpaesepervecchi #MitodellaFrontiera #Cittàdellapianura #Meridianodisangue #AmandaBinkyUrban #Cavalliselvaggi #WilliamFaulkner #CormacMcCarthy #Oltreilconfine #Knopf
#AcademyofArtsandLetters #borsadistudioMacArthur #Ilguardianodelfrutteto #FondazioneGuggenheim #FondazioneRockfeller #letteraturaamericana #Nonèunpaesepervecchi #MitodellaFrontiera #Cittàdellapianura #Meridianodisangue #AmandaBinkyUrban #Cavalliselvaggi #williamfaulkner #cormacmccarthy #Oltreilconfine #Knopf
“The party’s next door. And that’s where it’s always been. Next door.”
Dorothy Malone in The Tarnished Angels
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#thetarnishedangels #sirk #douglassirk #dorothymalone #pylon #williamfaulkner #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#WilliamFaulkner Cyberpunk1942 Peering [inside], they saw an animal almost the color of a gun barrel―what little time they had to examine its color or shape.
It was not crouched or standing.
It was in motion, in the air,
coming toward them. A heavy body crashing w/tremendous force against the door so that the thick door jumped in its frame, the animal, whatever it was, hurling itself against the door again seemingly before it could have touched the floor & got a new purchase to spring from.
‘Spare’ but not stingy: takeaways from Prince Harry’s memoir https://apnews.com/article/prince-harry-spare-book-revelations-0f60db708cfc266e247c1efa7c98877b #Memoirsandautobiographies #Artsandentertainment #WilliamFaulkner #KingCharlesIII #PrincessDiana #Entertainment #PrinceWilliam #Afghanistan #PrinceHarry #APTopNews #Royalty #Europe #Teens
#teens #Europe #royalty #aptopnews #princeharry #afghanistan #princewilliam #entertainment #princessdiana #KingCharlesIII #williamfaulkner #artsandentertainment #memoirsandautobiographies
Wat blijft er over van liefde temidden van de alledaagse sleur? Perfecte dagen is een roman over de kracht van de verbeelding
Een verhaal over de liefde, maar vooral een ode aan de verbeeldingskracht. Perfecte dagen van de Spaanse schrijver Jacob
#ACTUEEL #DONATIEGEVRAAGD #LITERAIR #JacoboBergareche #recensie #WilliamFaulkner
#williamfaulkner #recensie #jacobobergareche #LITERAIR #DONATIEGEVRAAGD #ACTUEEL
2023 public domain debuts include last Sherlock Holmes work https://apnews.com/article/public-domain-2023-5c30746553953b5accffcbaa9e860de0 #Artsandentertainment #ArthurConanDoyle #ErnestHemingway #WilliamFaulkner #Entertainment #VirginiaWoolf #TrendingNews #Lifestyle #APTopNews #Oddities #Business #U.S.News #Movies #Music #Jazz
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Mississippi giants. #charleypatton #williamfaulkner #mississippi #blues #southernliterature
#southernliterature #blues #mississippi #williamfaulkner #charleypatton
yapışkan bir soğuk, kapalı, depresif bir hava...öyle bir pazar işte...neyse, iyi ki kitaplar var ve kahve☕
And more
#7BooksToKnowMe #7Books
#Harry Crews
#reading #books #fourandtwentyblackbirds #cheriepriest #nocountryforoldmen #cormacmccarthy #thegospelsinger #Harry #clockwithouthands #CarsonMcCullers #themoviegoer #walkerpercy #theviolentbearitaway #flanneryoconnor #lightinaugust #williamfaulkner #nightwood #djunabarnes #7books #7bookstoknowme
WILLIAM CUTHBERT FAULKNER (25 de septiembre de 1897 - 6 de julio de 1962) #WilliamFaulkner
No es cuando adviertes que nada sirve de ayuda - religión, orgullo, nada - es cuando adviertes que no necesitas ayuda.
#PensamientoAtropellado #williamfaulkner
Mi padre decía que un hombre es la suma de sus desgracias. Se puede creer que la desgracia acabará cansándose algún día, pero entonces tu desgracia es el tiempo
#PensamientoAtropellado #williamfaulkner
WILLIAM CUTHBERT FAULKNER (25 de septiembre de 1897 - 6 de julio de 1962) #WilliamFaulkner
WILLIAM CUTHBERT FAULKNER (25 de septiembre de 1897 - 6 de julio de 1962) #WilliamFaulkner
WILLIAM CUTHBERT FAULKNER (25 de septiembre de 1897 - 6 de julio de 1962) #WilliamFaulkner
It is the poet's, the writer's, privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past
Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice & studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it