@CindySue @bookstodon Virtual Light, William Gibson. #virtuallight #williamgibson
🌁 A bridge in #Chongqing has grabbed the attention of visitors because of its unusual mix of both traditional Chinese and Western-style buildings.
#WilliamGibson #WGB #VirtualLight #AllTomorrowsParties
#chongqing #williamgibson #wgb #virtuallight #alltomorrowsparties
really grateful we got a very thought-provoking season 1 for The Peripheral... but absolutely saddened the continuation was cancelled.
Damn. This sucks.
The Peripheral Canceled After Prime Video Undoes Season 2 Renewal
Months after getting approved for a second season, the sci-fi series has become a one-and-done as studios try to cut costs during the Hollywood strikes.
#sff #theperipheral #williamgibson
Gizmodo: The Peripheral Canceled After Prime Video Undoes Season 2 Renewal https://gizmodo.com/the-peripheral-prime-video-canceled-no-season-2-1850754037 #startrektheoriginalseries #entertainmentculture #chloegracemoretz #theperipheral #williamgibson #cancellation #snowpiercer #jackreynor #netflix #amazon
#startrektheoriginalseries #entertainmentculture #chloegracemoretz #theperipheral #williamgibson #cancellation #snowpiercer #jackreynor #netflix #amazon
'The Peripheral' - S01E08.
#theperipheral #williamgibson #cyberpunk - #tvshow #tvseries #watched #nowwatching #movie #film #cinemastodon #cinema #trakt #letterboxd
#Letterboxd #trakt #cinema #cinemastodon #film #movie #nowwatching #watched #tvseries #tvshow #cyberpunk #williamgibson #theperipheral
Gizmodo: Salute the Black Flag: Sci-Hub Pirate Captain Receives EFF Award for Sticking It to the Man https://gizmodo.com/sci-hub-pirate-elbakyan-receives-eff-award-1850686878 #electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub
#electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub
Gizmodo: Salute the Black Flag: Sci-Hub Pirate Captain Receives EFF Award for Sticking It to the Man https://gizmodo.com/sci-hub-pirate-elbakyan-receives-eff-award-1850686878 #electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #openaccess #elsevier #elbakyan #paywall #scihub
#electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #openaccess #elsevier #elbakyan #paywall #scihub
C'était chouette de voir une #série adaptée d'un roman de #WilliamGibson, mais #ThePeripheral laisse quand même à désirer.
Ça attire avec un premier épisode qui se tient et puis ça traîne par ci, ça temporise encore par là, et puis sur la fin ça se rappelle qu'il faut raccrocher des wagons et relancer l'hameçon.
Les personnages apparaissent intéressants, et puis paraissent finalement assez artificiels et alors qu'on doit ressentir des trucs pour elleux.
Quand même curieux pour la suite... 😅
#serie #williamgibson #ThePeripheral
Le problème c'est que, n'ayant plus trop d'envies ces derniers temps (#dépression), j'étais assez emballé d'être emballé et... Déception. 😢
J'ai quand même mis plusieurs jours avant d'avoir la réalisation que je pourrais encore attendre un moment qu'il se passe quelque chose 😅
Enfin bon, avant qu'elle ne s'étiole, j'ai réussi à dériver un peu de ma motivation sur #ThePeripheral (une adaptation d'un roman de #WilliamGibson) et ça se laisse plutôt bien suivre.
#depression #ThePeripheral #williamgibson
New review posed, a look at a novel based on William Gibson’s unused Alien 3 screenplay.
A potentially good Alien film? Or just a good Sci-Fi/Horror story?
#Alien3 #WilliamGibson #PatCadigan #Horror #sciencefiction #bookreview @titanbooks
#bookreview #sciencefiction #horror #patcadigan #williamgibson #alien3
"Reconhecimento de Padrões (Trilogia Blue Ant Livro 1)" de William Gibson
"No bar, alguns euromachos de ternos escuros fumam em pé seus eternos cigarros."
Adorei essa frase. Quase poética.
#WilliamGibson (@greatdismal
) writing in 1984:
“Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation.”
That consensual hallucination in 2023:
#InterestGraph - #Introduction
#Books: @knizer@bookwyrm.social
#ScienceFiction #Fantasy #SolarPunk #Cyberpunk #Classics
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If you watched and enjoyed #ThePeripheral ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8291284/ ) and enjoyed it, it's worth reading the book too - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24611819-the-peripheral
The book is practically a different story, really good.
FLYNNE: So Homes [DHS] had Burton's phone overnight. What worries me is that they might have looked at mine while they had his.
MACON: In that case, they’d have looked at mine as well. Your brother and I pretty much in a way of business…Some bored Homes in a big white truck, looking for porn, I could probably tell. But some panoptic motherfucker federal AI? Fuck only knows.
MERV KIHN: Last week I was in Virginia. Interviewed a 16yo girl who'd been assaulted "bya bar hade.'"
MK: A bear head. The severed head of a bear. This bar hade, see, was floating around on its own little flying saucer. That's the straight goods from the mass unconscious. That girl is a witch...no place for her to function in this society. She'd have seen the devil, if she hadn't been brought up on The Bionic Man & Star Trek >
"The Gernsbach Continuum" #WilliamGibson
#MaryShelley (Frankenstein is an all time fav)
#williamgibson #nealstephenson #johnscalzi #maryshelley #marktwain #johnsafran #eijiyoshikawa
Got this idea from @instantkarma80
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