TWO. Learning is its own exceeding great reward. - #WilliamHazlitt (1778 – 1830) The Plain Speaker (1826)
The more we do, the more we can do.
-- William Hazlitt
#Achievement #WilliamHazlitt #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot Under Development
#achievement #williamhazlitt #quotes #panopainting #bot
To get others to come to our way of thinking, we must go over to theirs. It's necessary to follow in order to lead
William Innell Clement (pic: c1780-1852) was a patron of boxing & newspaper proprietor who purchased #TheObserver in 1814, The Morning Chronicle in 1821, & Bell’s Life in London in 1824. Contributors to The Morning Chronicle include #WilliamHazlitt & #CharlesDickens
#HarryHolt #Holt #Genealogy #Bareknuckle #Boxing #Pugilist #Regency #Georgian #C18th #C19th #History
#theobserver #williamhazlitt #charlesdickens #HarryHolt #Holt #genealogy #bareknuckle #boxing #Pugilist #Regency #Georgian #c18th #C19th #history #WilliamHazlitt #utilitarianism Hazlitt was well aware that a tone is a power position. Our sounds are territorial. As Hazlitt noted in another essay, On Egotism, the man who comes into a room and announces that he ‘hates’ poetry puts the person who doesn’t at a momentary disadvantage. The statement of dislike seems to be a considered and superior judgment.
#williamhazlitt #utilitarianism
he “strangers” in the texts of the European enlightenment, the Persians, Chinese and African kings – they are not only there to be strangers. They are there to show how strange the Europeans – or the European elites - really are. #WilliamHazlitt #AfricanKing