Penultimate stream for #BOOKWEEK, and we'll be sad to see it go! Tonight Sam's back with another #haunting, #supernatural short story, with #WilliamHopeHodgson's tale: The Hog
Come over to for a chill background to your evening.
#BedtimeStory #ReadingAloud #AudioBook #GhostStory #PublicDomain
#bookweek #haunting #supernatural #williamhopehodgson #bedtimestory #readingaloud #audiobook #ghoststory #publicdomain
Coming up in an hour, Sam's returning to the stories of #WilliamHopeHodgson for one more #Carnacki and then another spooky sea story. Then on Monday, it's BOOK WEEK (Working Title)!
#Chilliteracy #ReadingAloud #Audiobook #Horror #Supernatural #Cosy
#williamhopehodgson #carnacki #chilliteracy #readingaloud #audiobook #horror #supernatural #cosy
In just about an hour, Sam will be taking the stream live to read you some more #WilliamHopeHodgson short stories. We've got another #Carnacki tale, and some nautical #weird #horror to follow. #CatTax included because it's #caturday
#AudioBook #ReadingAloud #BedtimeStory #Twitch #CatsOfMastodon @bookstodon
#williamhopehodgson #carnacki #weird #horror #cattax #caturday #audiobook #readingaloud #bedtimestory #twitch #catsofmastodon
Do you like #WeirdFiction? Coming up in an hour, Sam's got some excellent short #horror stories about the mysteries of the sea from #WilliamHopeHodgson over on #Twitch
#ReadingAloud #Audiobook #ShortStories #PublicDomain
#weirdfiction #horror #williamhopehodgson #twitch #readingaloud #audiobook #shortstories #publicdomain
Working on some pleasant @bookstodon vibes, with a lovely black #coffee in one of the coolest mugs I own, and a stack of books (#ThreeMenInABoat, #WilliamHopeHodgson, #CatOutOfHell, and a huge tome of #poetry) in various states of being read. Not bad for a warm July afternoon.
#coffee #threemeninaboat #williamhopehodgson #catoutofhell #poetry
Since I'm one stream away from finishing the excellent #ThreeMenInABoat by #JeromeKJerome, I went and treated myself to a couple more books. Picked up #WilliamHopeHodgson's #TrilogyOfTheAbyss because I've learned that I love his style of horror, and a collection of modern #SciFi #ShortStories edited by #LavieTidhar because that was always my first reading love and I've missed it a great deal.
#threemeninaboat #jeromekjerome #williamhopehodgson #trilogyoftheabyss #scifi #shortstories #lavietidhar
The #Weirdstone of Brisingamen – #AlanGarner
#Alice in #Wonderland – #LewisCarroll
#TheWormOuroboros – #EREddison
The #HouseOnTheBorderlands – #WilliamHopeHodgson
Confessions of a #JustifiedSinner – #JamesHogg
The #RingsOfSaturn – #WGSebald
On sober reflection I’ve decided to swap out The Worm Ouroboros, for #Slaughterhouse5 – #Vonnegut
#7books #weirdstone #alangarner #alice #Wonderland #lewiscarroll #thewormouroboros #ereddison #houseontheborderlands #williamhopehodgson #justifiedsinner #jameshogg #ringsofsaturn #wgsebald #haiku #rhblyth #garner #carroll #eddison #hodgson #hogg #sebald #blyth #slaughterhouse5 #vonnegut
(Buon #8miliardi di terrestri a tutti e okkio ai maiali bianchi😱)
Scrittore inglese #NatoOggi nel 1877 che ha ispirato Lovecraft
Marina con pescatori
Pittore #NatoOggi a Brema nel 1832 ma attivo in USA
#hermannottomarherzog #NatoOggi #williamhopehodgson #8miliardi #15Novembre