The #Sun in white light and H-alpha on 3rd April 2023. Taken from Oxfordshire with a #CoronadoPST + 2x Barlow & #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor fitted with a #ThousandOaks glass solar filter + #Celestron 3x Barlow. #ZWO #ASI120MC camera. Lots of #filaments & #AR13270 was looking gorgeous
#sun #coronadopst #williamoptics #thousandoaks #Celestron #ZWO #asi120mc #filaments #ar13270
Impression 3D d’un petit masque de Bahtinov (59mm de diamètre) à destination de la lunette guide de ma lunette #WilliamOptics #ZenithStars 73 III, super finesse du résultat final !
Tonight's offering of the Orion Nebula.
#astrophotography #Space #williamoptics #nikon #asiairpro
IC433 The Jellyfish Nebula in Gemini is the remnant of a supernova explosion from 5,000 years ago. Hydrogen within the molecular cloud is excited by the shock waves from the supernova creating the lattice like filaments.
This is approx 4hrs of 3min subs using a William Optics Zenithstar 61 telescope and ZWO ASI 533 MC-Pro camera
#astrophotography #optolong #williamoptics #ZWO
Fully stripped down and rebuilt so it’s balanced and secure. I’ve also found somewhere to attach the red dot finder. #HowISpendASaturday #williamoptics #asiairpro #zwo #nikon #astrophotography
#howispendasaturday #williamoptics #asiairpro #zwo #nikon #astrophotography
Fully stripped down and rebuilt so it’s balanced and secure. I’ve also found somewhere to attach the red dot finder. #HowISpendASaturday #williamoptics #asiairpro #zwo #nikon
#howispendasaturday #williamoptics #asiairpro #zwo #nikon
The Rosette Nebula, aka
Caldwell 49 🏵️
Equipment: William Optics Zenithstar 61 || APO, ZWO ASI533MC Pro, EQ6-R Pro, Optolong L-eXtreme. Location: Morecambe, UK
30x5' Lights, 10x5' Darks Software: Affinity Photo
20th January 2023
#space #astronomy #rosettenebula #williamoptics #nebula #optolong #stars #astrophotography #affinityphoto
#space #astronomy #RosetteNebula #williamoptics #nebula #optolong #stars #astrophotography #affinityphoto
A shamelessly over processed image from last night's session. So much light pollution made it hard (should have put the filter on) but I've learned so much from all the mistakes I made! And having a lot of fun.
#astrophotography #nikon #williamoptics #asiair
I've never managed to get all the kit to work until now so this has made me so happy. I've taken photos of the Orion Nebula before but it's always been hit or miss, and never with a properly polar aligned mount or a guide scope. It's incredible the difference it makes. I'm hooked all over again!
40 x 30sec light frames, 3 x dark frames. Stacked in Affinity Photo
#astrophotography #nikon #williamoptics #asiairpro
Up and running. Loving the ASIAir Pro. Finally managed to plate solve and polar align within 4” error (I thank you). Sadly by the time I was set up the moon had come out to spoil the party so no comet tonight. Having a go at the Orion Nebula instead 🤞 #Zwo #Astrophotography #WilliamOptics #Nikon
#zwo #astrophotography #williamoptics #nikon
My 1st attempt imaging #IC405 #Caldwell31 the #FlamingStarNebula. It needs way more data, but this was 89 x 90 seconds + 35 darks, taken from Oxfordshire with an astro-modded #Canon1100D with a light pollution clip filter attached to a #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor
#ic405 #caldwell31 #flamingstarnebula #canon1100d #williamoptics
Just reprocessed my image of IC410, the Tadpoles Nebula, from my home observatory in Manchester using a #williamoptics #Redcat71 telescope.
Filters #antliafilter 3nm #Sii #Ha #Oiii
Camera @AtikCameras #AtikOne 6.0
Check it out!#astrophotography #IC410 #tadpolesnebula #Manchester
#williamoptics #redcat71 #antliafilter #Sii #Ha #OIII #atikone #astrophotography #ic410 #tadpolesnebula #manchester
M42 Orion Nebula
Zenithstar 61 with ZWO ASI 533MC Pro and Optolong L-Pro filter.
Just under 2hrs of integration - tried to bring out the trapezium and some of the surrounding dust but have blown it out a little.
#astrophotography #ZWO #Orion #optolong #williamoptics
#OrionsSword + #M42 the #OrionNebula taken from Oxfordshire 16th Jan 2023. #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor + astro-modded #Canon1100D on an EQ5 Pro mount. 105 x 30 seconds + 23 darks for the main image, the core was 21 x 8 seconds, all shot at ISO-3200.
#orionssword #m42 #orionnebula #williamoptics #canon1100d
#LunarOccultationOfMars 06:01 UT 8th December reprocessed. This image was taken as Mars re-emerged from behind the #Moon. #ASI120MC camera, #Celestrron 3x Barlow #WilliamOptics 70mm #refractor Full technical details are on my Flickr page #Mars #Occultation #LunarOccultation
#lunaroccultationofmars #moon #asi120mc #celestrron #williamoptics #refractor #mars #occultation #lunaroccultation
I think this is my favourite nebula photo that I've taken to date. I shot this earlier this month from my back garden here in Wales. Everything came together just right for this one image of the beautiful #RosetteNebula (or #NGC2237).
Shot using a #zwo 533mcpro through a #WilliamOptics #Zenithstar81 attached to a #Skywatcher HEQ5Pro mount
#astrophotographers #nebula
#astronomy #astronomy #space #cosmos #universe #stars #nightsky #nightphotography #stars #pixinsight #astrodon
#Astrodon #pixinsight #nightphotography #nightsky #stars #universe #cosmos #space #astronomy #nebula #astrophotographers #skywatcher #zenithstar81 #williamoptics #zwo #ngc2237 #RosetteNebula
I think this is my favourite nebula photo that I've taken to date. I shot this earlier this month from my back garden here in Wales. Everything came together just right for this one image of the beautiful #RosetteNebula (or #NGC2237).
Shot using a #zwo 533mcpro through a #WilliamOptics #Zenithstar81 attached to a #Skywatcher HEQ5Pro mount
#astrophotographers #nebula
#astronomy #astronomy #space #cosmos #universe #stars #nightsky #nightphotography #stars #pixinsight #astrodon
#Astrodon #pixinsight #nightphotography #nightsky #stars #universe #cosmos #space #astronomy #nebula #astrophotographers #skywatcher #zenithstar81 #williamoptics #zwo #ngc2237 #RosetteNebula
2 years ago today we imaged the #Jupiter #Saturn #conjunction. They were so close together than they were visible at the same time in the eyepiece of our #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor! They were even closer on 21st December but we had solid cloud/rain that night. We will never see them this close again in our lifetime so I'm really happy we got to see this 🙂 #planets #PlanetaryPhotography
#jupiter #saturn #conjunction #williamoptics #planets #planetaryphotography
One final image from this morning's #lunarOccultationOfMars from North #Oxfordshire, UK Mars at 06:01 UT, after egress was complete. Best 60% of 2,000 frames, #ZWOASI120MC on a #WilliamOptics 70mm #refractor #Celestron 3x Barlow #Mars #MarsOccultation #FullMoon #LunarOccultation
#lunaroccultationofmars #Oxfordshire #zwoasi120mc #williamoptics #refractor #Celestron #mars #marsoccultation #fullmoon #lunaroccultation
#LunarOccultationOfMars from #Oxfordshire 8th December 2022. Taken with a #WilliamOptics 70mm refractor, #Celestron 3x Barlow #ZWOASI120MC on a #SkywatcherAZGTi mount. 2,000 frame videos, stacked twice - once for the #lunarsurface, once for #Mars #MarsOccultation #FullMoon #LunarOccultation #Moon
#lunaroccultationofmars #Oxfordshire #williamoptics #Celestron #zwoasi120mc #skywatcherazgti #lunarsurface #mars #marsoccultation #fullmoon #lunaroccultation #moon