New York Review Books Imprints · @NYRB_Imprints
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If you're feeling guilty about your true crime obsession, take comfort in knowing that Henry James was wild about the stories collected in William Roughead's Classic Crimes—finding them an especially useful distraction while suffering from gout.

#HenryJames #gout #williamroughead #truecrime

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara · @CozyCatastrophe
85 followers · 244 posts · Server

“But face to face with my correspondence, and with my age (a ‘certain,’ a very certain, age,) and some of its drawbacks, I am aware of the shrunken nature of my poor old shrunken energies of response in general (once fairly considerable) and hence in short this little delay.”

—Henry James to William Roughead in 1914, apologizing for taking so long to read Roughead's book and to send a letter of response

#HenryJames #inboxzero #unansweredemail #williamroughead

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara · @CozyCatastrophe
85 followers · 244 posts · Server

“But face to face with my correspondence, and with my age (a “ certain,” a very certain, age,) and some of its drawbacks, I am aware of the shrunken nature of my poor old shrunken energies of response in general (once fairly considerable) and hence in short this little delay.”

—Henry James to William Roughead in 1914, apologizing for taking so long to read Roughead's book and to send a letter of response

#HenryJames #inboxzero #unansweredemail #williamroughead

Last updated 2 years ago