#WilliamRussell served in the WH as a special asst & the dpty dir of presidential advance operations & continued to work as a personal aide for #Trump after he left office in Jan 2021. Russell was asked to appear Thurs after making prior grand jury appearances….
Russell was also with Trump at the ellipse on #Jan6.
#williamrussell #trump #jan6 #specialcounsel #jacksmith #biglie #fraud #conspiracy #law
#WilliamRussell, an aide to #Trump, was at a D.C. federal courthouse on Thurs for a #GrandJury appearance that is part of an investigation of Trump, as the #DOJ moves toward deciding whether to criminally charge Trump in connection w/his efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election.
#SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #Jan6 #BigLie #Fraud #conspiracy #law
#williamrussell #trump #grandjury #doj #specialcounsel #jacksmith #jan6 #biglie #fraud #conspiracy #law
My review of Doctor Who: The Rescue/The Romans – Two Hartnell-Era Stories in One DVD Set #ancientRome #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #JacquelineHill #MaureenOBrien #Romanera #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #WilliamHartnell #WilliamRussell
#ancientrome #classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #jacquelinehill #maureenobrien #romanera #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #WilliamHartnell #williamrussell
Who doesn't love a bit of Hartnell Historical on a Friday? Here's my review of the, frankly, brilliant The Aztecs, one of my top 10 #DoctorWho stories of all time.
#FirstDoctor #Aztecs #WilliamHartnell #JacquelineHill #WilliamRussell #CaroleAnnFord #Susan #BarbaraWright #IanChesterton
#doctorwho #FirstDoctor #aztecs #williamhartnell #jacquelinehill #williamrussell #caroleannford #susan #barbarawright #ianchesterton
Listening to Toby Hadoke's excellent Too Much Information podcast about the first episode of Marco Polo, The Roof of the World, has prompted me to post my review of the story. It's one I know lots and lots of people like but it is one, like The Myth Makers that I really struggle with.
#DoctorWho #WilliamHartnell #WilliamRussell #CaroleAnnFord #JacquelineHill #MarcoPolo #classicwho #Susan #BarbaraWright #IanChesterton #FirstDoctor
#doctorwho #williamhartnell #williamrussell #caroleannford #jacquelinehill #MarcoPolo #classicwho #susan #barbarawright #ianchesterton #FirstDoctor
Another Hartnell historical as we visit the Crusades.
#DoctorWho #classicwho #WilliamHartnell #JacquelineHill #WilliamRussell #MaureenOBrien #FirstDoctor #Vicki #ianchesterton #BarbaraWright
#doctorwho #classicwho #williamhartnell #jacquelinehill #williamrussell #MaureenOBrien #FirstDoctor #vicki #ianchesterton #barbarawright
RT @TalkingPicsTV@twitter.com
A happy 98th birthday to the legendary #WilliamRussell who was born on this day in 1924. Many Happy Returns!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TalkingPicsTV/status/1593897984231514112
Two more blog posts from my Prehistory adventure in Doctor Who and then we'll move on to the early centuries of AD.
Firstly a glorious comic strip from the earliest days of the show - thrill as the 2nd Doctor is Pursued by the Trods https://doctorwhohistoryoftheuniverse.wordpress.com/2020/10/15/500000-bc-pursued-by-the-trods/
And then join the 1st Doctor in an audio adaptation of one of the most celebrated 'lost stories' as he meets Alexander the Great in Farewell, Great Macedon https://doctorwhohistoryoftheuniverse.wordpress.com/2020/10/16/323-bc-farewell-great-macedon/
#bigfinish #doctorwho #williamrussell #caroleannford
@CowBear I love The Aztecs. All time favourite Hartnell story and a unparalleled performance from #JacquelineHill. #DoctorWho #classicwho #WilliamHartnell #WilliamRussell #CaroleAnnFord #aztecs.
#jacquelinehill #doctorwho #classicwho #williamhartnell #williamrussell #caroleannford #aztecs
Another review from ages past on my blog. Through some interesting reasoning, Lance Parkin dates The Keys of Marinus to nearly 50,000,000 BC so I reviewed it early on in my marathon. I do love this silly little quest story. If you do too, we can definitely be friends.
#doctorwho #classicwho #williamhartnell #williamrussell #caroleannford #jacquelinehill #voord #terrynation
#doctorwho #classicwho #williamhartnell #williamrussell #caroleannford #jacquelinehill #voord #terrynation