Today in Writing History August 31, 1908: Armenian-American writer William Saroyan was born. He won the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1940 and the Academy Award for best screenplay for his story, “The Human Comedy.” Saroyan was born in Fresno, California, but spent several of his early years in an orphanage in Oakland. He was later reunited with family in Fresno. Many of his early stories were about Armenian farm workers, during the Depression, in California’s San Joaquin Valley.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #FarmWorker #armenia #WilliamSaroyan #fresno #fiction #writer #books #author #novel @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #farmworker #armenia #williamsaroyan #fresno #fiction #writer #books #author #novel
The hand may be quicker than the eye
But it's the nose that runs
#HashtagGames #badpoems #williamsaroyan
Do you have responsibilities?
One and thousands. As a matter of fact I feel responsible to everybody, at least everybody I meet. I’ve been trying for three years to find out if it’s possible to live what I think is a civilised life, a life that can’t hurt any other life.
dialogue between #JamesCagney (1899-1986) as Joseph T and #GalePage (1913-1983) as Mary L from the movie #TheTimeOfYourLife (1948) at about 37m of about 1h45m
Writers: #WilliamSaroyan (1908-1981) #NathanielCurtis (1909-1983)
#jamescagney #galepage #thetimeofyourlife #williamsaroyan #nathanielcurtis
Do you have responsibilities?
One and thousands. As a matter of fact I feel responsible to everybody, at least everybody I meet. I’ve been trying for three years to find out if it’s possible to live what I think is a civilised life, a life that can’t hurt any other life.
dialogue between #JamesCagney (1899-1986) as Joseph T and #GalePage (1913-1983) as Mary L from the movie #TheTimeOfYourLife (1948) at about 37m of about 1h45m
Writers: #WilliamSaroyan (1908-1981) #NathanielCurtis (1909-1983)
#jamescagney #galepage #thetimeofyourlife #williamsaroyan #nathanielcurtis
Do you have responsibilities?
One and thousands. As a matter of fact I feel responsible to everybody, at least everybody I meet. I’ve been trying for three years to find out if it’s possible to live what I think is a civilised life, a life that can’t hurt any other life.
dialogue between #JamesCagney (1899-1986) as Joseph T and #GalePage (1913-1983) as Mary L from the movie #TheTimeOfYourLife (1948) at about 37m of about 1h45m
Writers: #WilliamSaroyan (1908-1981) #NathanielCurtis (1909-1983)
#nathanielcurtis #williamsaroyan #thetimeofyourlife #galepage #jamescagney