On Monday, December 19, Will Lehman, a Mack Trucks worker and candidate for United Auto Workers International president, filed a formal protest with the court-appointed UAW Monitor over the national UAW election results.
#WillLehman Submits Official Protest Challenging #UAW Election Results and Vote Suppression — Will Lehman for UAW president
#Lehman’s written protest to the court-appointed monitor overseeing the ballot is an encyclopedic historical record of the election, comprehensively detailing every facet of the antidemocratic conspiracy by the entrenched bureaucracy to cling to power by suppressing the vote.
Socialist candidate #WillLehman exposes massive voter suppression in the #UAW elections - World Socialist Web Site
In Fall 2022, the United Auto Workers union (UAW) held the first-ever direct elections of its national leadership, following a years-long corruption scandal that has sent more than a dozen top UAW officials to prison.
The vote tally showed a turnout of less than 10 percent, by far the lowest turnout for any direct union election in the country’s history.
#WillLehman discusses his protest to the #UAW monitor - World Socialist Web Site
“The election needs to be overturned, and they need to do it right” – Indiana auto parts worker
Autoworkers back official protest by #WillLehman against voter suppression in #UAW election - World Socialist Web Site
“I call on workers to demand that all the candidates for UAW president be included in the second round of the election, and that all workers be fully informed about the election. Only in this way, can workers cast a meaningful vote, instead of choosing between two union bureaucrats who combined received less than 10 percent of the votes of eligible voters.”
RT @JudeJack@twitter.com
#WillLehman, socialist candidate for #UAW president, receives nearly 5,000 votes despite bureaucratic suppression of election turnout - World Socialist Web Site https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/12/05/pers-d05.html
The broad support Lehman received among rank-and-file workers across the US reflects the rapidly developing political radicalization of the American working class. The vote explodes the myth that workers in the United States are intransigently hostile to socialism.
#WillLehman, socialist candidate for #UAW president, receives nearly 5,000 votes despite bureaucratic suppression of election turnout - World Socialist Web Site
“The UAW apparatus and its entrenched leadership, which had opposed direct elections in a referendum last year, took only the most minimal efforts to inform workers about them, hoping to suppress turnout as much as possible and confine the process to their favored candidates.”
#WillLehman, socialist candidate for #UAW president, wins 4,777 votes amid anemic turnout
Initial results from the first-ever direct election in the history of the United Auto Workers show an important level of support for rank-and-file socialist candidate Will Lehman, as well as widespread vote suppression and alienation among the rank and file from the UAW apparatus, reflected in the abysmal 10 percent turnout.
Socialist candidate #WillLehman on pace to win thousands of votes in #UAW election with suppressed turnout
“We, the GM Flint Assembly Rank-and-File Committee condemn the court ruling made last week by a federal court judge in Detroit against the lawsuit brought by Mack Trucks worker Will Lehman demanding an extension in the voting due to deliberate vote suppression by the United Auto Workers.”
“This election is unfair”: GM Flint workers denounce judge’s rejection of 30-day exension of #UAW elections - World Socialist Web Site
"Even if one sets aside the issue of the corruption of the election process, the fact that the overwhelming majority of autoworkers did not vote in this election—somewhere between 85 and 90 percent—exposes the vast social chasm that separates the apparatus of the unions from the rank and file. The UAW bureaucracy exists as a police force over the working class." #uaw #rankandfile #WillLehman https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/11/26/pers-n26.html
The #UAW apparatus opposed the 30 day extension of the deadline because it assumed, correctly, that it would result in a substantial increase in the opposition vote; and that many of those votes would be for the socialist candidate, Will Lehman. Indeed, this is the principal reason why they sought to suppress voter turnout in the first place.
Whatever the technical justifications, the ruling is aimed at upholding a tainted election, guaranteeing only a small percentage, dominated by those in and around the bureaucracy, will vote on the leadership the UAW
#UAW #UAWonStrike
A judicial travesty: Federal judge sides with #UAW apparatus, denies #WillLehman’s request for extension of ballot deadline - World Socialist Web Site
Lawson’s ruling is dishonest, intellectually corrupt and, as in all such cases, exhibits complete contempt for the democratic rights of the workers in the UAW.
A judicial travesty: Federal judge sides with #UAW apparatus, denies #WillLehman’s request for extension of ballot deadline - World Socialist Web Site
Lee noted that #UAW Secretary-Treasurer Frank Stuglin was left in charge of the mailing lists even though he was cited by the Monitor itself for breaking the law and misusing union funds to campaign for himself.
Federal judge hears #WillLehman’s lawsuit demanding extension of UAW election - World Socialist Web Site
“The aim of these committees must be to transfer the power from the #UAW apparatus to the rank and file.”
UC academic workers: Build a rank-and-file strike committee to prevent a sellout by the UAW bureaucracy! - World Socialist Web Site
“The aim of these committees must be to transfer the power from the #UAW apparatus to the rank and file.”
UC academic workers: Build a rank-and-file strike committee to prevent a sellout by the UAW bureaucracy! - World Socialist Web Site
“The aim of these committees must be to transfer the power from the #UAW apparatus to the rank and file.”
UC academic workers: Build a rank-and-file strike committee to prevent a sellout by the UAW bureaucracy! - World Socialist Web Site
“Somebody needs to stand up to all this”: Workers back #WillLehman’s lawsuit demanding extension of vote deadline in #UAW election - World Socialist Web Site
“Somebody needs to stand up to all this”: Workers back #WillLehman’s lawsuit demanding extension of vote deadline in #UAW election - World Socialist Web Site