#Soper grandmother, who lives with family. #FSAFarmSecurityAdministration) borrower. #WillowCreek area. #MalheurCounty, #Oregon. General caption number 72
#soper #fsafarmsecurityadministration #willowcreek #malheurcounty #oregon
#Soper grandmother helps the large family. #WillowCreek area, #MalheurCounty, #Oregon. General caption number 72
#soper #willowcreek #malheurcounty #oregon
I've signed! Now it's your turn! Over 3 million ppl have signed, will you be part of this revolution? Sign the petition and help save an eco system, an economy, and stop big oil! Hundreds of #Indigenous ppls source of food and water is in danger! #StopWillowCreek #WillowCreek
#indigenous #stopwillowcreek #willowcreek
If you are one of those ppl who does not pay attention to social media, or the news, here is a reminder the big oil and the government is trying to ruin an eco system and homes to hundreds of #Indigenous ppls in #Alaska ! #StopWillowCreek #WillowCreek
#indigenous #alaska #stopwillowcreek #willowcreek