Gizmodo: Biden Administration Cancels Remaining Fossil Fuel Leases in Alaska’s Arctic Refuge #environmentalpolicyofthejoebidenadministration #environmentalimpactofthepetroleumindustry #arcticrefugedrillingcontroversy #nationalpetroleumreservealaska #arcticnationalwildliferefuge #centerforbiologicaldiversity #presidencyofjoebiden #environmentofalaska #kristenmonsell #willowproject #mikedunleavy #environment
#environmentalpolicyofthejoebidenadministration #environmentalimpactofthepetroleumindustry #arcticrefugedrillingcontroversy #nationalpetroleumreservealaska #arcticnationalwildliferefuge #centerforbiologicaldiversity #presidencyofjoebiden #environmentofalaska #kristenmonsell #willowproject #mikedunleavy #environment
"The Biden Administration is ending drilling leases in ANWR, at least for now...The leases were originally issued by the Trump administration.
"Alaska oil drilling projects have been top of mind for both the administration and voters this year. The latest announcement comes several months after Biden approved the Willow Project, the biggest new oil development in Alaska in decades, resulting in blowback to the administration."
#Biden #WillowProject #ANWR #FossilFuels
#biden #willowproject #anwr #fossilfuels
⚖ 🛢 On July 26, the Sabin Center filed a brief in support of plaintiffs challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s approval of the #WillowProject -- a project that would pave the way for future oil and gas development.
Read Jessica Wentz's blog:
Full brief:
@beastieboyofthenet @HeatherTX
Your lies don't change the fact that the Biden administration reduced the impact from Trump's #WillowProject by 40% and used that as a means to permanently protect over 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska from drilling. In all, the administration has protected up to 16 million acres from future fossil fuel leasing.
Don't let the lies from the far-left grifters fool you into helping put the GOP back in charge of the U.S.
@jacobrogers256 @uspolitics
You fell for the disinformation about the #WillowProject from the grifters on the left so I understand why you are unable to appreciate how important getting #ClimateAction is. So sad, but dividing their opposition is just what the #FossilFools want.
I think that you should choose a side, but that's up to you.
#fossilfools #ClimateAction #willowproject
@tofugolem @davidho
In the U.S., the annual carbon footprint of pet animal products is about 64 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (or annual emissions of 14.2 million gasoline-powered cars). For perspective, as the New York Times reported, the annual emissions from the Alaska’s #WillowProject would equal to about 2 million gasoline-powered cars if it is actually developed.
You're not wrong. That is the reason why they are installing people in powerful positions that will uphold their values. It's because they recognize this reality. I'm not saying a time frame, but it's inevitable.
Now my questions to you would be: If the GOP knows this, don't you think the DNC does too? So why aren't the elites doing more to codify human rights? Why does Katie Porter call out big oil & Biden tries to avoid discussing his approval of the #WillowProject?
Recently, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) approved the #WillowProject, a major oil drilling project in Alaska. The #BidenAdministration claimed it had no other choice but to approve it, but is that really the case? Our Deputy Director Romany Webb provides some answers in this #blog post:
#Blog #Bidenadministration #willowproject
If you are upset that Biden reduced Trump's #WillowProject you've fallen for a disinformation campaign aiming to weaken opposition to the fossil fuel industry.
@Leisureguy @GottaLaff
Yes, Biden was able to reduce Trump's #WillowProject by over forty percent and permanently protect more arctic land than any other POTUS before so I can appreciate why #FossilFools upset with #ClimateAction would criticize him for that.
#ClimateAction #fossilfools #willowproject
I've provided free access because what I find that I need to explain over and over again is that our administrative law protects us from (somewhat less than I'd hoped) despots like Trump, but it also means that we can't wave a magic wand to get what we want either, for example #WillowProject.
The durability of the Biden blueprint could also depend on Democrats retaining control of the White House in 2024 and defending the rules against expected court challenges.
Quelques nouvelles des goinfres insatiables qui peuplent la planète :
1 Evidemment, trahissant sa promesse de campagne, Joseph Biden donne son feu vert pour le #WillowProject aka forage pétrolier en Alaska. Creusons et boulottons le biotope jusqu'à l'os
Biden protected more U.S. lands from oil and gas drilling than all other POTUS combined. I used to support y'all, but these constant lies about the #WillowProject that are helping to drive down voter turnout have made me reconsider doing it again.
The Willow Project Was a Key Climate Test. And Joe Biden Failed It.
"The rubber-stamping of such a project sends a message not just to our generation but humanity as a whole: The future of our planet and the present well-being of frontline communities are being sacrificed for short-term #economic gain and political expediency."
#CapitalismIsTheEnemyOfMotherEarth #capitalism #Biden #WillowProject #climate #Antireport
#economic #capitalismistheenemyofmotherearth #capitalism #biden #willowproject #climate #antireport
Decisions like this are what uneducated people like @gretathunberg don't understand about administrative law and U.S. legal code when they publish an attack piece trying to get their followers to stop voting for Democrats over something like the #WillowProject
RT @greenpeaceusa
BREAKING: A federal judge today ruled in favor of oil giant ConocoPhillips by denying a motion for preliminary injunction brought by environmentalists, including @Earthjustice and Greenpeace USA, as part of a lawsuit challenging the #WillowProject in Alaska’s Western Arctic.
Just occurred to me that I've heard nothing from John Kerry, United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, for many months (perhaps years). Is it just me, or has he and his post been erased from our consciousness?
#gulfofmexico #willowproject #climatecollapse
On March 12, the Biden administration banned all future oil and gas exploration in the Arctic Ocean and blocked leases on more than half of the National Petroleum Reserve, a massive step in reducing potential future carbon emissions from the world’s second-highest emitting country.
Regrettably though, the grifters that make their money spreading #ClimateDoom have once again been spreading mis/disnfo on the #WillowProject
Enormous. Gargantuan. Huge. Massive. Vast. These are just some of the adjectives #Doomer grifters have summoned to describe the #WillowProject in their efforts to convince people to stop voting for Democrats because #BothSidesAreBad
I've gifted this WaPo article to you from my subscription in case you're interested in why yet once again Biden is being attacked by independents, Republicans, and the media.
#bothsidesarebad #willowproject #doomer
RT @SaintPalermo
Biden administration sells oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico : NPR
This is a catastrophe! 😡 Make no mistake, this action, and drilling in Alaska (the disastrous #WillowProject) is committing us to #ClimateCatastrophe.
#climatecatastrophe #willowproject