#onthisdate in 1933 #aviation #pioneer Wiley Post returned to #FloydBennettField in #brooklyn after completing the first #solo #flight #aroundtheworld. Earlier, he had become the first to fly around the world in a fixed-wing #aircraft but with a #navigator. In 1935, Post was killed after taking off from #pointbarrow #alaska. #willrogers was his passenger. #newyorkcity #nyc #history #histodons #gatewaynationalrecreationarea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiley_Post
#onthisdate #aviation #pioneer #floydbennettfield #brooklyn #solo #flight #aroundtheworld #aircraft #navigator #pointbarrow #alaska #willrogers #newyorkcity #nyc #gatewaynationalrecreationarea #history #histodons
#WillRogers and #JamesFinlayson during filming of OUR CONGRESSMAN (1924)
#HalRoach #SilentFilm
Source: ’News of the Lots Told by Pictures’, Illustrated Daily News, 6 Apr 1924, p. 11 via California Digital Newspaper Collection, UC Riverside
#silentfilm #halroach #jamesfinlayson #willrogers
Cherokee Nation acquires Will Rogers Birthplace Ranch
#Oklahoma #cherokee #willrogers
It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.
-- Will Rogers
#quotes #willrogers #ignorance #skepticism #photography #panorama #bwca #canoe #minnesota
Will Rogers Still Topical... New Journal Post: https://albert71292.livejournal.com/1751292.html?utm_source=twsharing&utm_medium=social& #willrogers #topical #1930s #politics
#willrogers #topical #1930s #politics
The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf.
-- Will Rogers
⬆ #Quotes #WillRogers #Americans #Humor #IncomeTax
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Morning #Mists #Fogbow #LakeSantaFe #Florida
#quotes #willrogers #americans #humor #incometax #photography #panorama #morning #mists #fogbow #lakesantafe #florida
Lettin' the cat outta' the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.
-- Will Rogers
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Flowers #Junkyard #Minnesota
#quotes #willrogers #life #photography #panorama #panopainting #flowers #junkyard #minnesota
“You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is.”
― Will Rogers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Rogers
#bot #quote #wisdom #willrogers
"Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise it." — Will Rogers — — — #WillRogers #quote #quotes #products #marketing #quip #snarky #advertise #humor #humorous
#willrogers #quote #quotes #products #marketing #quip #snarky #advertise #humor #humorous
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
-- Will Rogers
#life #willrogers #quotes #panopainting #bot
I don't make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts.
-- Will Rogers
#government #humor #willrogers #quotes #panopainting #bot
#Utqiagvik (#FormerlyBarrow) AK, July 2022. #WillRogers #WileyPost memorial. If you don’t know who they were, look them up. You’ll learn a lot.
#utqiagvik #formerlybarrow #willrogers #wileypost
"The money was all appropriated for the top in hopes that it would trickle down to the needy.
Mr. Hoover didn't know that the money trickled up.
Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow.
Bit it will at least have passed through the poor fellow's hand."
~Will Rogers
#quote #meme #willrogers #trickledown
@samlitzinger Of course it does. As #WillRogers said almost a century ago, “I’m not a member of any organized party. I’m a Democrat.”
Never Met A Man I Didn't Like by Joseph H. Carter SIGNED + Will Rogers Post Card
#books #willrogers #coybow #wisdom
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers #MondayMotivation #QuoteOfTheDay #ContinuousImprovement #Coaching #LyonStrategic #WillRogers
#mondaymotivation #quoteoftheday #continuousimprovement #coaching #lyonstrategic #willrogers
Let's just say that I have a LOT of experience - and leave it at that. H/T to CoffeePartyUSA over on the other site for the graphic.
#Judgement #Experience #WillRogers
#willrogers #experience #judgement
Well, I blew right past 47 followers already, on Day 1. That's something, I guess. #startrek #sooners #willrogers
#willrogers #sooners #startrek