Today's was what Monday's would have been if I hadn't gotten double impact punctures on the . Not a problem on and never lets me down! 55km done heading south from mine to just past and turn for home at . After Wilmslow is where this shared path section starts and takes you all the way to , near , about 5km. Sweet! Got home just as my wife rang our son for tech support on how to tether her phone to her Chromebook while she was at her brother's. Invoice is emailed!

#manchesterairport #ride #pinarellomarvel #tubeless #osgartheorro #wilmslow #woodford #hazelgrove #stockport #orro #cycling #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #cyclingislife #mrscaseystechsupporthowcanihelp #cyclingisawesome

Last updated 1 year ago

They were queuing up at Wilmslow Community Market Gardens first ever stall at the town’s market last month! 🥕🍅🥦

Transition Wilmslow is working towards a ring of gardens around the town growing much of its fruit and veg, and this gave them a new outlet to get the fresh, local, organic food to people.

They also have a stall at their Oakenclough garden at a local children’s centre, and this month, they’re working with a local chef to run ‘plot to plate’ sessions with local families – harvesting straight from the allotment and cooking it up in tasty dishes on the day.

It’s funded by a Transition Together seed funding grant, made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

#marketgarden #LocalFood #slowfood #growitourselves #communitygarden #wilmslow #cheshire #wilmslowartisanmarket #oakenclough #buylocal #growourown #transition #transitiontown

Last updated 1 year ago

Brendan Casey · @scarface9toes
117 followers · 390 posts · Server

Just under 80km this morning with clubmate Ash. We headed west towards , into a 30kph headwind, then turned just after to head east with a stop at Ice Cream Farm (near ). Three triathletes were there, one still had their number on the seat post! After coffee we headed home with a nice tailwind, in time to catch stage 2 of the . Top morning.

#dukinfieldcc #manchesterairport #ashley #mobberley #wilmslow #ironman #tourdefrance #cycling #BikeTooter #biketoot #clubrun #clubrides

Last updated 1 year ago

madsky · @madsky
8 followers · 22 posts · Server

Wait, is it mandatory to drive a in ?

#wilmslow #tesla

Last updated 2 years ago