Home again in #Tassie after a week in the Flinders Ranges areas of #WilpenaPound #Hawker and #Arkaroola. Glad of the cooler #temperature after 3 days in the high 30s
#tassie #wilpenapound #hawker #arkaroola #temperature
Getting ready to leave #WilpenaPound and head to #Arkaroola but a photo first
I think this is some sort of bearded dragon - whatever it is, it likes this view. Taken at Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. #naturephotography #landscapephography #WilpenaPound #FlindersRanges #SouthAustralia #australia #lizard #beardeddragons
#naturephotography #landscapephography #wilpenapound #flindersranges #southaustralia #australia #lizard #beardeddragons