Enjoyed a few days on the French Riviera and visited #wimmics to present my research about #knowledgeGraph construction, refinement and applications with a #neuroSymbolicAI perspective. Thrilled by the great discussions! Many thanks to @fabien_gandon and all team members!
Replay: youtu.be/_yn6-N6Z-oA
#wimmics #knowledgegraph #NeuroSymbolicAI #neurosymbolic #linkeddata #semweb #deeplearning
#perfectEspresso in Sophia Antipolis during PhD committee lunch just before the successful defense of Antonia Ettorre from the #Wimmics group with @rtroncy @fabien_gandon Catherine Faron & Franck Michael. It was an honor and a pleasure to serve as a reviewer. Thank you very much and congratulations!
#perfectespresso #wimmics #phd