Today, I am checking out "Pipe Mania" for the AMIGA A500. A great game, although I am really bad at it.
I also really like the Win3.1 version from Microsoft. This one looks really clean and elegant imho.
#amiga #pipemania #retro #win311
Wer Gefallen findet an etwas obskuren Datei-Managern für Windows 3.x und wem gleichzeitig "Data Becker" auch noch ein Begriff ist, der sollte sich mal die BeckerTools anschaun!
Handbuch mit 3.5" und 5.25" Diskette!
Another quirky file manager from 1993... BeckerTools from DataBecker.
This looks neat! 😉
At some point in the early 90s, Verbatim would give away free Microsoft games with every pack of 1.44MB floppy disks. I was always a fan of the "Windows Entertainment Pack" and these disks are fun collector's items indeed!
Back in 1993, PC Paintbrush Plus for Windows 3.1 was an awesome paint program. I loved this program and used it for years up until Windows 98 SE.
If you're curious - here's the original German release:
The untouched setup disks:
The complete manual:
#win311 #msdos #paintbrush #graphics
One of the more obscure PC games from my childhood: "Castle of the Winds, Part I+II" for Windows 3.1. Magic, swords, demons, manticores and many others. A classic RPG from 1993.
Enjoy the original, untouched floppy disks!
Part I:
Part II:
#retro #games #win311 #msdos #rpg
Just in case anyone is into this kind of retro stuff... here's the original manual to Doors! from 1992. An alternative shell for Windows 3.x:
Finally, somebody developed a good AI tool!
This site is a gold mine of cool Win16 stuff. I need to give Win16 programming another crack one of these days.
#retroprogramming #win311 #win16 #chatgpt
Aus Versehen ausgebuddelt.
Info an mich: Nur nicht ablenken lassen von der eigentlichen Arbeit!
Wobei …
#Alteisen #Trackball #Win311
I've always been interested in software. I'm fortunate to now work in software - but always loved software.
Mostly nostalgic tonight - but I really miss browsing for software. DOS, Win3.11 and 95 were really the wild west. 500 various word processors? I'll take them. 257 calc sheets? sign me up.
I miss that. I miss installing discs. I hate that we only have really 1 choice for things now.
What is your favorite software from DOS/3.11/etc? #dos #win311 #80s #90s #386 #autorun.bat #ta-da
#dos #win311 #80s #90s #autorun #ta
Stumbled across Calmira and saw the screenshots archive:
Looks like it's a really nice way to make Windows 3.x much nicer to use.
#retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #win31 #win311 #windows
Alright, still getting no joy from my WFW 3.11 setup trying to get TCP/IP going. I’ve taken my RPi out of the loop and am directly connected to a port that goes back to the router. I’m starting to suspect it’s the NIC driver, as everything I read seems to thing setting up TCP/IP itself should be straightforward. #win311 #retropc
I know at least a dozen of people who can start sentimentally cry while looking at these screenshots (considering particular version of the program referred in there). I was more used to #amiga version back in the #90s, but as I discovered there is #win311 as well, I just really needed to check it out! #lightwave #newtek #rendering
#amiga #90s #win311 #lightwave #newtek #rendering
Old tools and systems still can deliver the creative job very well! #MSDOS #WIN311 #FractalPainter #retro #demoscene #art
#msdos #win311 #fractalpainter #retro #demoscene #art
Did you ever need to run a piece of C# code on Windows 3.11?
Did you ever need to run a piece of C# code on Windows 3.11? Me neither, but I did it anyway. A thread.