When you know, 😎
I made another #Diablo #Winamp skin! This time it's a Modern skin, based on the concept skin in the Diablo II: Resurrected & Remixed playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUQwdBPkAoI
Skin can be downloaded from my site: https://winamp.spacecatsamba.com/
Way by #RealRetroPC
A rendition of what #Winamp would look like if it was actual #hardware.
I can't stop drooling. 🤤
#realretropc #winamp #hardware
Začal jako skvělý sound enhancer pro #winamp , potom jako systémový #equalizer pro #Windows s placenou verzí a teď je zdarma a stále parádní. Pokud máte standardní zvukovku a nechce se vám utrácet za lepší...
For about 3 days, I let myself think I was gonna be using #winamp for my local music. And it was fun. I was about 10 again and it was great. I even went down the "what skin should I be using?" Hole.
Then I realized that time pretty much stopped around 2003 because I kept seeing old school #anime skins alongside Sarah Michelle Gellar.
I realized that I am an adult and I can do better.
Gonna try this #musicbee and see what it's all about
Can't remember why I suddenly wondered whether it was possible to get old #Winamp visualisations to work with Spotify, but you can, and I have, having followed these instructions:
Now to get smothered in nostalgia in the archives of old Winamp skins.
[Plex’s Winamp-inspired music player Plexamp is now free | TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/18/plexs-winamp-inspired-music-player-plexamp-is-now-free/?guccounter=1)
[Plexamp | Plex](https://www.plex.tv/plexamp/)