29 de Agosto de 1350 a su regreso de la ciudad de Brujas la flota castellana es atacada por naves inglesas, a las órdenes de Eduardo III, en la Batalla de Winchelsea. Los ingleses consiguieron aniquilar a los castellanos a cambio de un gran número de bajas. #efemérides #england #castilla #spain #winchelsea #history #historia
#historia #history #winchelsea #Spain #castilla #england #efemerides
RT @Steffogrunt@twitter.com
First #daffodil of 2023. In bloom in #Winchelsea. #HappyNewYear2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Steffogrunt/status/1609532535129755648
#happynewyear2023 #winchelsea #daffodil
First #daffodil of the year, in #Winchelsea, UK. 1st January 2023. Spring will come…. #HappyNewYear.
#daffodil #winchelsea #happynewyear
RT @HutchHussein@twitter.com
#Polwarth - with tonight marking a wrap for campaigning, a big THANK YOU you for sharing your stories from #ApolloBay to #Winchelsea! I saw many signs that you're ready for a better future with a direct voice in a @victorianlabor@twitter.com govt... I'm now in your hands tomorrow! #vicvotes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HutchHussein/status/1596069813629374465
#polwarth #apollobay #winchelsea #vicvotes