So I understand why the #Winchesters is so pro-veteran, I just find it #interesting because the period was not yet, if memory serves (hence #BlackSabbath's "Iron Man")
#winchesters #interesting #blacksabbath
Just finished #Supernatural for the first time, and while I’m sad that it’s over, I’m excited to start it over again!
#supernatural #carryon #winchesters
Yet would it be the #Winchesters if it wasn't for Jared Padalecki's super flaring nostrils when angry ......
#winchesters #supernatural #tvhorror #tvscifi
Yet would it be the #Winchesters if it wasn't for Jared 'Flaring nostrils when angry' Padalecki......
#winchesters #supernatural #tvhorror #tvscifi
Yet would it be the #Winchesters if it wasn't for Jared 'Flaring nostrils when angry' Padalecki......
#winchesters #supernatural #tvhorror #tvscifi
Looking for #SPN / #Winchesters fans. I bet some of the art from the fandem is awesome with alt text.
Ok this family needs the #Winchesters #TheLastDriveIn #MutantFam #AChristmasHorrorStory #GhoulTideGetTogether
#ghoultidegettogether #achristmashorrorstory #mutantfam #thelastdrivein #winchesters
A few years ago gosh knows what happened but life got busy and I fell further and further behind on Supernatural which I had watched from the beginning. I kept thinking I’d catch up and the next thing I knew the show was over and the idea of catching up seemed so final. Anyway tonight I finally reached the end and it was tear-jerking but worth it. It ended well IMO. 🥺💙
#supernatural #samanddean #winchesters
(Part Two)
#SPN #SPNFamily #Winchesters
#SamWinchester #DeanWinchester
#LEGO #MOC #LEGOSupernatural
#spn #spnfamily #winchesters #samwinchester #deanwinchester #lego #moc #legosupernatural
(Part One)
The 1967 #ChevyImpala from TV's #Supernatural 📺
#SPN #SPNFamily #Winchesters
#SamWinchester #DeanWinchester
#LEGO #MOC #LEGOSupernatural
#chevyimpala #supernatural #spn #spnfamily #winchesters #samwinchester #deanwinchester #lego #moc #legosupernatural
@Dark_phoenix der Beweis selbstfahrende Autos sind von Dämonen besessen. Deswegen wirkt Salz auch. #Winchesters
Les audiences US du 14 au 20 novembre 2022.
#ABC #CBS #CW #FOX #NBC #YellowstoneTV #TheWalkingDead #Winchesters #RickAndMorty #NCIS #Sistas #TheOval #OneChicago
#OneChicago #theoval #sistas #ncis #rickandmorty #winchesters #thewalkingdead #YellowstoneTV #nbc #fox #cw #cbs #abc
Ok... Harry Nilssonn..... to end that episode! 😍#PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
Carlosis kinda hot! 😍 #JusSayin #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup #jussayin
"we do not have time for irony
' #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"your past is holding you back" #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
Oh, chit!!!!💣 #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
Don't look under the bed! That is always a bad idea! #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
Oh... that was bloody!!! 🩸 #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup
"Circumstances might be different, but our trauma is the same" Ouch, that hurt right close to my heart! #PaddiesSaturdayTVCatchup #Winchesters
#winchesters #paddiessaturdaytvcatchup