Wie findet ihr den #Wiener #Hitzeratgeber?
📖 https://www.wien.gv.at/spezial/hitzeratgeber/
Ich war überrascht, ein strukturiertes Textdokument vorzufinden. Inhaltlich nicht schlecht. Hab mir da viel mehr bunte Bilder und Icons erwartet.
#hitze #wien #hitzewarnung #hitzewarndienst #medikamente #arzneimittel #ersteHilfe #verhaltenstipps #hitzeschutz #sonnenschutz #CO #kohlenmonoxid #luftfeuchte #luftfeuchtigkeit #schadstoffe #mücken #gelsen #stechmücken #lebensmittel #tropentag #tropennacht #klima #mikroklima #stadtklima #wärmeinsel #windchill #hitzesudern
#wiener #hitzeratgeber #hitze #Wien #hitzewarnung #hitzewarndienst #medikamente #arzneimittel #erstehilfe #verhaltenstipps #Hitzeschutz #Sonnenschutz #co #Kohlenmonoxid #luftfeuchte #Luftfeuchtigkeit #Schadstoffe #mucken #gelsen #stechmucken #lebensmittel #tropentag #Tropennacht #klima #Mikroklima #stadtklima #warmeinsel #windchill #hitzesudern
Golly gosh! That wind is cold!
A north-easter has set in here in the East Midlands (UK) and it feels like -1C (The weather app says 8 / feels like 5)
It's been bracing, but a day in nature is always welcome... ❄️
#nature #winter #windchill #woodland #trees #naturephotography
#naturephotography #Trees #woodland #windchill #Winter #Nature
The top of Mt. Washington just set a new United States record for coldest wind chill ever, breaking a previous record from Alaska: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/02/04/mount-washington-wind-chill-record/ "Ever" in this case meaning "since meteorologists defined and started calculating wind chill," which was in the mid-20th century.
At about the same time, Boston (Logan Airport) had the coldest temperature since the 1950s. It's above freezing now, and I will probably leave the house today. #weather #winter #WindChill
Coldest wind-chill ever recorded at #mountwashington !
#extremeweather #windchill #newengland
#mountwashington #extremeweather #windchill #newengland
#windchill is pseudo science. Tell me the temperature and the wind speed.
To all #weather people: stop your BS.
Mount Washington's peak icy
Minus forty-seven degrees
Chill winds of record
#mountwashington #windchill #record #cold #haiku #poetry
The winds have started to subside & it’s warming up a bit to 6°F with only a windchill of -12°F. I say “only” because last night was wicked cold at -34° windchill & the winds were howling. We lost electricity for a bit & I panicked bc we lose heat when we lose electricity. Thankfully it came back on pretty quickly. Also need to give props to the guys who built my fence b/c after those winds last night, it’s still standing. #ArcticBlast #Weather #Windchill #Massachusetts #Canton
#canton #Massachusetts #windchill #Weather #arcticblast
Fort Kent Weather Update Saturday, February 4, 2023
More regional weather information at https://apexwx.github.io/
NWS Caribou has issued:
Blizzard Warning in effect until 7 pm Feb. 4
Wind Chill Warning in effect until 7 pm Feb. 4
#fortkentme #umfk #umfkforestry #maineicefishing #mainewoods #allagashme #saintjohnvalley #stagathame #frenchvilleme #maineapexwx #mainepublic #windchill
#fortkentme #umfk #umfkforestry #maineicefishing #mainewoods #allagashme #saintjohnvalley #stagathame #frenchvilleme #maineapexwx #mainepublic #windchill
Hot #weather take: #WindChill is a lame metric based on a semi-arbitrary calculation that doesn’t offer much value beyond saying “the temperature is x° with the wind at y, bundle up or you’ll get frostbite.”
Not to mention how it is often the engineer of hype trains.
The wind chills this weekend are dire
Ten minutes it'll cause frostbite's ire
From Maine to New York
It's just a matter of clocks
Beware of the winter's frozen fire
#newengland #winter #frostbite #limerick #windchill #poetry
And that, dear friends, is cold weather. #windchill #weather #MtWashington #freezing
#windchill #weather #mtwashington #freezing
Um... And yeah, this is part of #ClimateChange!
#ArcticBlast #WindChill #TheDayAfterTomorrow #ClimateCrisis
#ClimateChange #arcticblast #windchill #TheDayAfterTomorrow #ClimateCrisis
From a great first week in my new #space weather job, to dealing with earth #weather. I can't remember a time I completely enclosed the ponies and goats to shield them from the elements. I did tonight though. Daisy Mae seems quite content #windchill #newengland
#space #weather #windchill #newengland
"Brace yourselves! 💨 Mount Washington is about to face some serious winds this weekend, causing wind chill to drop to a frigid -100°F. Stay warm and safe, folks! 🥶
#MountWashington #ExtremeWeather #ColdAsMars #WindChill https://scrippsnews.com/133201
#mountwashington #extremeweather #coldasmars #windchill
I have a book waiting for me at Valente library, but having already walked to Market Basket & back 2 hrs ago when it was 10 degrees less cold and already hella windy, I'm thinking I'll just read something else for the next day or two 😂❄️😂
#WindChill #brrrrrr
Accurate photo of my legs after dropping my kid off at school in -30ºc today. Today's polar vortex is no joke.
I also need a longer coat that goes down to my ankles.
#toronto #Weather #PolarVortex #windchill
A little chilly this morning in Montreal
#cold #birds #winter #montreal #windchill