Natsume loves the entrance window where she can watch the bees visiting our flowers ^^
#catwindow #potgarden #jasminflowers #suculents #windowgarden #flowerlovers #catlovers #goodmoments #goodmorningworld
#catwindow #potgarden #jasminflowers #suculents #windowgarden #flowerlovers #catlovers #goodmoments #goodmorningworld
Bee visiting. 🐝
My cats love to harass bees. Luckily it's outside of their reach.
#bee #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #chives
#bee #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #chives
Chive flowers are delicious too.
#gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #chives
#gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #chives
The season of Roses is here again.
Shizuku is a nice cultivar.
#gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #roses #rosashizuku
#gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #roses #rosashizuku
Kaixo, mastonekazari eta mastobiologook! Norbaitek esan diezadake argazkikoak marigorringoen arrautzak ote diren? Hala bada, hat-trick + 1 egin dugu gaur leihopoteetan: pinpilinpausa, erle itxurako euli eta erletxo bana ikusteaz gain, aspaldi nahi genituen bizikideak etorri zaizkigu, eta, dirudienez, geratzeko asmoz!
Alguien sabe si son huevos de mariquita?
Can anyone tell me if these are ladybug eggs?
#hiribaratzea #leihobaratzea #huertourbano #huertaencasa #urbangardening #windowgarden
Lettuces kept bolting. Newly sowed ones are still too small for dishes...
#lettuce #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
#lettuce #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
It seems my mixed Nasturtiums seeds are all yellow. And some more Cornflowers sowed last Autumn.
#nasturtium #Cornflower #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden
#nasturtium #cornflower #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden
My first ever Strawberry.
It's a weird feeling that Strawberries do smell like artificial strawberry flavour... Eating store-bought Strawberries for far too long, I hardly noticed that they have a flavour too...
#strawberry #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
#strawberry #gardening #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
Azken boladan ortuari gogoz ekiten ari natzaio, eta leihoko erlaitzei eta etxe inguruko lurbazterrei eta parterrei eta...
Últimamente le estoy dando con ganas al huerto, y a las repisas de las ventanas, y a los rinconcitos asilvestrados alrededor de casa y a los parterres y...
Lately I'm giving quite a lot of to our garden, to our window long-pots, to semi-wild urban little spots, parterres...
#hiribaratzea #leihobaratzea #huertourbano #huertoencasa #urbangardening #windowgarden
I thought they were Nasturtiums, but I'm not sure now. They never flowered, but Aphids do love them.
2022-07-17 ~ 2023-03-15
#windowgarden #containergarden
#Basil germinated. But there is no space left for them...
13-16C Rainy
#basil #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
First time growing them... They came with a wildflower seed pack. I think they are here to stay.
#cornflower #windowgarden #containergarden
Lettuces grown in a hanging pot and milk boxes, sowed indoors during winter. Good breakfast leaves.
#lettuce #windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown
Those days we skipped spring and rushed right into summer... It's a relief the temperature's back to normal now.
#windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #strawberry
New addition to the family, two Camellias: Camellia Japonica "Grape Soda" and Camellia Sasanqua "Bonanza". Very young saplings, hope they establish well.
#camellia #windowgarden #containergarden
Last year's Bok Choy grown in a hanging pot. They accompanied us through a difficult period. And they can tolerate both heat and slight frost, which is great. Will grow some more this year.
2022-05-28 ~ 2022-07-06
#windowgarden #containergarden #growyourown #bokchoy
@ScotHomestead @pvonhellermannn
Yes, that is just about the top question at this point. Try a bunch, #windowgarden #starterplants #allotment #allotmentfarming #composting #windowpots #germinations #ReallySmallFarmers
#seedlings #minifarm
Who do the ones you follow, follow? What hashtags do they use?
Follow too many. Weed, turn over the soil.
Good luck.
#minifarm #seedlings #reallysmallfarmers #germinations #windowpots #composting #allotmentfarming #allotment #starterplants #windowgarden
Last year's Nasturtium, Marigold, a Butterfly, and a wildflower that I don't recognise.
#windowgarden #containergarden #butterfly #nasturtium #marigold
#windowgarden #containergarden #butterfly #nasturtium #marigold