Gizmodo: Microsoft Might Try and Stick AI Into MS Paint #technologyinternet #windows10mobile #microsoftpaint #microsoftbing #snippingtool #windowsphone #microsoft #windows10 #windowsxp #zacbowden #windows81 #onedrive #windows8 #ferrari
#technologyinternet #windows10mobile #microsoftpaint #microsoftbing #snippingtool #windowsphone #microsoft #windows10 #windowsxp #zacbowden #windows81 #onedrive #windows8 #ferrari
#Webbrowser: #Firefox beendet Support für altes #Windows und #macOS | Security #EndOfLife #Windows7 #Windows8 #Windows81 #macOS1012 #macOS1013 #macOS1014 #EoL #Browser
#browser #eol #macos1014 #macos1013 #macos1012 #windows81 #windows8 #windows7 #endoflife #macos #windows #firefox #webbrowser
Rip Windows ME
#Meme #Windows #Windows10 #Windows31 #Windows95 #Windows98 #WindowsME #WindowsXP #Windows7 #Windows81 #95 #98 #XP #Vista
#vista #xp #windows81 #windows7 #windowsxp #windowsME #Windows98 #windows95 #windows31 #windows10 #windows #meme
#Bitwarden unterstützt ältere Windows-Versionen ab 8.1 nicht mehr
#techundsmart #androidundmehr #android #windows81 #bitwarden
Auch wieder ganz nett: Windows Server 2012 R2 wirft bei einigen Systemen bei der Installation der Februar 2023-Updates einen Fehler 0x800f0922 und rollt alles zurück. Bei #Windows81 ist mir das klar (End of Life erreicht). Aber #WindowsServer2012R2 ist bis Oktober 2023 im Support. Der Installationsfehler wird von der Extended Update-Prüfung ausgeworfen - in deren Dateinamen ich das Kürzel "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) gesichtet habe.
#WindowsServer2012R2 #windows81
Let’s see how this goes… out of some Windows versions which one do you prefer? Personally I like Windows 10 ignoring all the problems it gives me but Windows 7 did me well in my youth
#Windows #Microsoft #Windows11 Windows10 #Windows8 #Windows81 #Windows7 #Computing #Technology #OS #OperatingSystem
#operatingsystem #os #technology #computing #windows7 #windows81 #windows8 #windows11 #microsoft #windows
Yesterday, I finally removed the shortcut to the #WindowsStore from my taskbar, having over the past 8 years only ever clicked on it by mistake, since it's no longer available to me since the 11th anyway... #Windows #Windows81
#windowsstore #windows #windows81
#Microsoft just killed #windows8 and #windows81, but this parody will live on.
#microsoft #windows8 #windows81
Zeit, Tschüss zu sagen: Windows 7, 8.1 und Server 2008/R2 ab heute altes Eisen | heise online #Windows7 #Windows81 #WindowsServer2008R2 #WindowsServer #WindowsServer2008 #EndOfLife #EoL
#eol #endoflife #windowsserver2008 #windowsserver #windowsserver2008r2 #windows81 #windows7
I know. 😮💨
"REMINDER Windows 8.1 will reach end of support on January 10, 2023, at which point technical assistance and software updates will no longer be provided. If you have devices running Windows 8.1, we recommend upgrading them to a more current, in-service, and supported Windows release. If devices do not meet the technical requirements to run a more current release of Windows, we recommend that you replace the device with one that supports Windows 11."
PSA: Windows 8.1 extended support ends today #Windows81 #Microsoft #Windows:
#windows81 #microsoft #windows
Supportende für #Windows7, Windows Server 2008R2 und #Windows81
Morgen sagen wir Adieu: Supportende von Windows 8.1 - #EndOfLife #windows81
PSA: Support for Windows 8.1 is ending next week #Microsoft #Windows81 #Windows: via
#microsoft #windows81 #windows
Nur noch eine Woche Zeit: Support-Ende von Windows 8.1 | heise online #Windows81 #EndOfLife #EoL #Linux
#linux #eol #endoflife #windows81
Das Ende naht! So kehrt um! 🐧
Windows 8.1: Umstieg planen, das Ende ist fast da | heise online #Windows81 #EndOfLife #EoL
Falls der Google Chrome unter #Windows7 oder #Windows81 auffordert, auf #Windows10 zu aktualisieren, um Updates zu bekommen - lässt sich einfach deaktivieren
#windows10 #windows81 #windows7
Mein Aufreger des Tages... 😠
#NikonNXStudio #Nikon #NXStudio #Software #Windows81 #Win81 #NikonSoftware
#NikonSoftware #win81 #windows81 #software #NXStudio #nikon #NikonNXStudio