Bo Morgan · @neptune22222
98 followers · 300 posts · Server Ouch. That sucks.

I totally agree that the process of installing Ubuntu or any free aand open operating system next to an existing proprietary operating system should be straightforward.

In my experience, the reason installing a free & open operating system sometimes isn't completely easy and straightforward is generally not because of the free and open operating system failing as much as it is because of the proprietary operating system design purposefully making the process more difficult to discourage the use of free & open operating systems.

In a sense, I believe this is a case of Microsoft punishing you by making your life more difficult, possibly even causing you to delete your personal files, to discourage you and anyone else who attempts to install a free & open operating system, possibly reducing the use of their proprietary system,

Kudus to you for installing Ubuntu. I've been using exclusively Linux for ~22 years, and I've loved it. Recently, I've really enjoyed many Windows games that run on Linux via the Proton compatibility extension for Steam. Linux gaming is a real thing.

Good luck, and I believe you'll find a very supporting Linux community, in case you have any questions.

#nowindows #windowsexodus #ubuntu #Linux #windows #microsoftpunishment

Last updated 2 years ago