I am making that markdown editor in #windowsforms and having an issue. I made a toolbar and added buttons. The toolbar isn't accessible at all and can't use f6 to get to it nor am I able to tab to it. I am also having issues with JAWS not reading the textfield at all. Does anyone have suggestions for how to fix this. Is winforms not the best for this kind of thing? I originally chose it because I thought it was most accessible. #a11y #accessibility
#windowsforms #a11y #accessibility
WindowsForms の ActiveControl に関する動き
#NET #WindowsForms
Let me hear it IT and software developer community of the #fediverse. Do you program or at least maintain not-so modern form-based UI software like Windows Forms, Swing, etc? What about web based java applets or Silverlight? Do you still maintain flash or shockwave?
#fediverse #windowsforms #swing #java #silverlight #adobe #shockwave
Second attempt at my #dotnet UI decision tree diagram. I really appreciate the feedback on my first attempt, and have tried to improve this one based on those comments.
#wpf #blazor #WindowsForms #maui #dotnetmaui #UnoPlatform #avalonia #WebAssembly
#dotnet #wpf #blazor #windowsforms #maui #dotnetmaui #UnoPlatform #avalonia #webassembly
Thinking about the current state of #dotnet UI technology, what do folks think of this diagram showing #dotnetmaui #maui #blazor #wpf #WindowsForms, etc?
#dotnet #dotnetmaui #maui #blazor #wpf #windowsforms
After all, I've always been a proponent of the MVVM design pattern, and have never been a big fan of code-behind in UI development. That's why I've always had little fun with Windows Forms development, because I've always wanted to separate the UI code from the business logic.
So I find the blog post super useful and interesting because it just shows this way!
#DotNet #VisualStudio #WindowsForms #UI
#dotnet #visualstudio #windowsforms #ui
Unbelievable! Windows Forms, the first UI framework for .NET Framework, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Congratulations on that.
I can still remember the beginnings of my development career, when I also started building program interfaces with Windows Forms. Up to that time there were de facto only Delphi or MFC as alternatives. The latter was very complicated and not really suitable for beginners.
#DotNet #WindowsForms #VisualStudio
#dotnet #windowsforms #visualstudio
Kann mir jemand ein Lernbuch für Anfänger empfehlen? Thema: C#, #Database, #Desktopapp, #windowsforms
Gerne boosten!
#database #desktopapp #windowsforms #followerpower