#windowsfrieday well, it's my little terrace. This suculent is growing in winter despite an accident (it felt down and broke) and a change of pot (10 cms). #NatureInBed
I'm happy because I haven't plants for years due my #fotosensibility and #photophobia but I can stay in dark rooms and have plants outdoors. I miss them so much #PlantLover
#windowsfrieday #natureinbed #fotosensibility #photophobia #plantlover
Heute mal was zum #FensterFreitag. Wunderschöner Tag heute im #Bielatal im #Elbsandsteingebirge. #SächsischeSchweiz #Sachsen #wandern #WandernMachtGlücklich #WindowsFrieday
#windowsfrieday #wandernmachtglucklich #Wandern #sachsen #sachsischeschweiz #Elbsandsteingebirge #bielatal #fensterfreitag