Vor 10 Jahren: Microsoft übernimmt Nokias Handysparte
Am 3. September 2013 kündigt Microsoft die Übernahme von Nokias Kerngeschäft an. Es folgt ein Milliarden-Desaster, das abertausende Menschen den Job kostet.
#Android #Betriebssystem #BlackBerry #iOS #iPhone #Microsoft #Nokia #Smartphone #WindowsPhone #news
#android #betriebssystem #blackberry #ios #iphone #microsoft #nokia #smartphone #windowsphone #news
The Wileyfox’s battery appears to be dead. :(
But… that’s why you always got a near identical battery from an Archos Cesium 50 in petto.
Look, don’t ask.
Just know that Windows 10 Mobile 1607 [which is the latest version for the Lumia 435 and the Archos C50] is *literally* unusable because ReAlarm v2.3 doesn’t like dates beyond December 2020 for some reason, and ReAlarm v2.9 needs Windows 10 Mobile 1709 to run.
ReAlarm is *necessary*.
It’s a hard nerd lyfe, yo. #WindowsPhone #WindowsMobile
Given that I got my first smartphone in April 2015, it was a good run of eight years not to wreck a screen… but damn, did I wreck this one good. It doesn’t display *anything* anymore :( #brokenscreen
Now, the question is: Do I go old school or older school for my music/podcast device, Wileyfox Pro or Lumia 435? #WindowsPhone #WindowsMobile
#brokenscreen #windowsphone #windowsmobile
I call this artwork “Well, shit…!” #Lumia950 #WindowsPhone #WindowsMobile
#lumia950 #windowsphone #windowsmobile
Gizmodo: Microsoft Might Try and Stick AI Into MS Paint https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-might-try-and-stick-ai-into-ms-paint-1850765592 #technologyinternet #windows10mobile #microsoftpaint #microsoftbing #snippingtool #windowsphone #microsoft #windows10 #windowsxp #zacbowden #windows81 #onedrive #windows8 #ferrari
#technologyinternet #windows10mobile #microsoftpaint #microsoftbing #snippingtool #windowsphone #microsoft #windows10 #windowsxp #zacbowden #windows81 #onedrive #windows8 #ferrari
Wait, the registry hacks I got from xda enable me to sideload now, apparently?
I tried this the other day and ended up freezing Visual Studio on every deploy. Wtf changed?
So, it looks like I can get my code to run on the device, which is cool.
Thanks LG for shipping a registry editor in the production ROM.
Debugging doesn't work though. Not sure why, VS just gives a generic error.
TIL Windows Phone 7.1 supported/used Direct3D 11.
Now I wish it was possible to get ROMs and the flash tools for my device so I can do something, but all the links are dead. Meh.
At least somebody uploaded some WinCE tool binaries on GitHub so I could extract the emulator image.
#WindowsPhone has been unsupported for almost 4 years, and yet this man is still proudly sporting his #Lumia.
Ars Technica: Cortana, once a flagship feature of Windows phones, is slowly being shut down https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958955 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #windows1122h2 #WindowsMobile #windowsphone #windows10 #windows11 #Cortana #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #windows1122h2 #windowsmobile #windowsphone #windows10 #windows11 #cortana
Cortana, once a flagship feature of Windows phones, is slowly being shut down - Enlarge / Cortana is gradually fading from Windows and other Microsoft ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958955 #windows1122h2 #windowsmobile #windowsphone #windows10 #windows11 #cortana #tech
#tech #cortana #windows11 #windows10 #windowsphone #windowsmobile #windows1122h2
I will die on the hill that windows phone (lumia) has a sexy UI. I don't care about iPhone or material you. I'm still pissed that it didn't take off.
Lunar Lander: Beyond will reimagine the Atari arcade classic with a “deep narrative” in 2024 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/lunar-lander-beyond-will-reimagine-the-atari-arcade-classic-with-a-deep-narrative-in-2024 #DreamsUncorporated #LunarLander:Beyond #SinglePlayer #WindowsPhone #LunarLander #Simulation #Atari #Text #PC
#pc #text #atari #simulation #windowsphone #singleplayer #lunarlander #dreamsuncorporated
"Hey boss! I finished that editorial about Microsoft reporting a healthy Q2 in their last earnings call. What thumbnail should we use?"
"I dunno. I'll troll our archives for photos of Microsoft products. No worries..."
#tech #technology #business #news #microsoft #funny #windowsphone #geek #bbtg #finance
#tech #Technology #business #News #microsoft #Funny #windowsphone #geek #bbtg #finance
@Fan_Technologii aż mi smutno, że #WindowsPhone i #WindowsMobile okazały się niewypałem 😢
Back in the day when we still did some hardware hacking on mobile phones... Upgraded from 8 to 32GB 😎
#WindowsPhone7Series #WindowsPhone #HTC #Mozart #PDA #Zune #ActiveSync
#windowsphone7series #windowsphone #htc #mozart #pda #zune #activesync
Should I factory reset my Lumia 1020 back to #windowsPhone 8.1 from 10...?
It's notable that I even got 10 installed on it and it made it more usable as a phone for a while bc of compatibility with more websites and a few better apps, but it's super slow and I basically only want to use it as a camera now...
...so factory reset might be a good idea, but also it's probably impossible to get it back to 10 later. Any mega nerd opinions here
The clumsy dual Mastodon/Twitter client Flantter, which still works, appears to have been removed from the Windows Store. This means if you don't already have it on your Windows Phone, you're screwed.
RIP Mastodon on Windows Phone.
Qualcuno sa che #zune (il #software usato per sincronizzare i vecchi #WindowsPhone 7) era anche una serie di lettori mp3?
Con il nuovo film dei #GuardianiDellaGalassia lo Zune 30 è tornato in voga (su #Twitter era in tendenza) e ora ho lo strano desiderio di volerne uno tra le mie mani.
Peccato che non siano mai arrivati in Italia...
Se siete interessati, vi lascio qui sotto un recentissimo video di ComputerClan dove ne parla in modo approfondito.
#zune #software #windowsphone #GuardianiDellaGalassia #twitter
Is it just me, or does the assistive mode of the forthcoming iOS 17 look a lot like the default Windows Mobile/Windows Phone UI? #windowsPhone #windowsMobile #microsoft
#Microsoft #windowsmobile #windowsphone
Plants Vs Zombies creator's new game is about stacking wombat poo - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/plants-vs-zombies-creators-new-game-is-about-stacking-wombat-poo #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #SonyOnlineEntertainment #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #MicrosoftGameStudios #Plantsvs.Zombies #ActionAdventure #PlayStationVita #HardhatWombat #SinglePlayer #WindowsPhone #PopCapGames #Platformer #AllYesGood #Simulation #NintendoDS #BlitWorks #Mossmouth #Spelunky #Strategy #Sideview #PC
#pc #sideview #Spelunky #mossmouth #Blitworks #nintendods #simulation #allyesgood #platformer #popcapgames #windowsphone #singleplayer #hardhatwombat #playstationvita #ActionAdventure #Plantsvs #microsoftgamestudios #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #sonyonlineentertainment #strategy