Windows 8.1 umiera – Koniec oficjalnego wsparcia Microsoftu
#EOL #MicrosoftWindows #MicrosoftWindows8.1 #MicrosoftWindowsServer2012 #Windows8 #Windows8.1 #WindowsServer2012 #WindowsServer2012R2
#eol #microsoftwindows #microsoftwindows8 #microsoftwindowsserver2012 #windows8 #windowsserver2012 #windowsserver2012r2
Next week the Microsoft #Edge under #Windows7 #WindowsServer2008R2 and #WindowsServer2012/R2 will get security updates for the last time. However, Windows Server 2012 is still in support until Oct. 2023. 0patch will support Edge at 2025 and provide micropatches against vulnerabilities on these platforms.
#windowsserver2012 #windowsserver2008r2 #windows7 #edge
Nächste Woche bekommt der Microsoft #Edge unter #Windows7 #WindowsServer2008R2 und #WindowsServer2012/R2 letztmalig Sicherheitsupdates. Windows Server 2012 ist aber noch bis Okt. 2023 im Support. 0patch wird den Edge bei 2025 unterstützen und Micropatches gegen Schwachstellen auf diesen Plattformen anbieten.
#windowsserver2012 #windowsserver2008r2 #windows7 #edge
#Microsoft has reminded customers that the extended support for all editions of #windowsserver2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 will end on October 10.
Release Candidates (RCs) were post-beta development builds of Windows. As their name suggests, devs were confident in the stability of these “candidates for release”. During testing, any last-minute issues would be fixed, leading to the final Release To Manufacturing (RTM) build. #DailyWindowsFact #Microsoft #Windows #Windows3 #WindowsXP #WindowsVista #WindowsServer2012
#windowsserver2012 #WindowsVista #windowsxp #windows3 #windows #Microsoft #dailywindowsfact
#Windows8.1, RT 8.1, #WindowsServer2012 R2 : #Microsoft publie des correctifs pour une élévation de privilège dans le #RemoteAccess !
#windows8 #windowsserver2012 #microsoft #remoteaccess #securite