Drowning in a sea of Windows Event Logs? Let Microsoft's #LogParser be your lifeboat! With just a simple SQL query, this timeless tool lets you sift through multiple EVTXs and neatly presents your finds in a table. Old but gold.🥇 Learn more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-xp/bb878032(v=technet.10) #WindowsTools #SysAdmin
#logparser #windowstools #sysadmin
AltDrag is/was a tool to mimic Un*x Window Manager style window movements, with the ALT+Mouse button combos to move / resize, etc. (I remap it to WIN key because it's pretty useless) However the developer stopped updating. I have found a fork that is updating it! Work better in Windows 10. https://github.com/RamonUnch/AltSnap #WindowsTools #Windows #linux
The Secret New #Windows #Tool Nobody Is Talking About
#WindowsTool #WindowsTools #WindowsPC #PowerAutoate #PowerAutomation #Macro #Macros #Flow #Flows #WindowsFlow #WindowsFlows #HighLevelProgramming #Automation #WincowsAutomation #Programming #WindowsProgramming
#windowsprogramming #programming #wincowsautomation #automation #highLevelProgramming #windowsflows #windowsflow #Flows #flow #macros #macro #powerautomation #powerautoate #windowspc #windowstools #windowstool #tool #windows