#Microsoft #Windows, c'est formidable 🤣
#WindowsUpdate #GAFAM #Windaube
#windaube #gafam #windowsupdate #windows #microsoft
Betanews: Microsoft is making some dramatic changes to drivers in Windows 11 and beyond https://betanews.com/2023/09/09/microsoft-is-making-some-dramatic-changes-to-drivers-in-windows-11-and-beyond/ #Windowsdriversupport #Printerdriver #updatedrivers #WindowsUpdate #Microsoft #Article #Windows
#windowsdriversupport #printerdriver #updatedrivers #windowsupdate #microsoft #article #windows
#NHK の #ダークパターン ネタ。
#楽天 や #yahoo の商法そのままだねぇ。やっと注目されるようになってきたか。
ついでに言えば、 #マイクロソフト が #WindowsUpdate の際に行っている全画面で #Office365 への誘導や #Edge の検索のBingや支援機能の強制適用の誘導(推奨設定という名の)もダークパターン の一つだよね
#darkpattern #edge #office365 #windowsupdate #マイクロソフト #yahoo #楽天 #ダークパターン #nhk
Waarom iets wat goed werkt, weer veranderen?! Nu weer een irritante filmstrip onderin als ik foto's op laptop bekijk.
Dit had ik liever op mijn haakweblog gehad...
Not sure when the updates actually rolled out, but the "new Teams" and an update to Edge just landed for me
I know holiday weekends are lower usage times
but given the severity of the bugs I'm seeing (e.g. I can't start a Teams meeting from the new "Teams") I can't stop thinking about the team that's going to be working the holiday weekend supporting all the post-release support requests. I hope y'all are being well taken care of this weekend.
#microsoft #microsoftlife #windowsupdate
#Microsoft: #Windows-Update-Vorschauen schützen vor #Downfall-CPU-Lücke | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Microsoft-Windows-Update-Vorschauen-schuetzen-vor-Downfall-CPU-Luecke-9283485.html #WindowsUpdate
#microsoft #windows #downfall #windowsupdate
Betanews: Microsoft confirms UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR error reports following latest Windows 11 update https://betanews.com/2023/08/25/microsoft-confirms-unsupported_processor-error-reports-following-latest-windows-11-update/ #UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR #WindowsUpdate #KB5029351 #Microsoft #Windows11 #Article
#unsupported_processor #windowsupdate #kb5029351 #microsoft #windows11 #article
Betanews: Microsoft brings some of Windows 11 to Windows 10 users with the KB5029331 update https://betanews.com/2023/08/24/microsoft-brings-some-of-windows-11-to-windows-10-users-with-the-kb5029331-update/ #WindowsBackup #WindowsUpdate #KB5029331 #Windows10 #Windows11 #Article
#windowsbackup #windowsupdate #kb5029331 #windows10 #windows11 #article
Windows 11 (22H2) KB5029351 Update: What's new and improved? → https://www.kunal-chowdhury.com/2023/08/windows-11-kb5029351-update.html
#Microsoft #Windows #Windows11 #KB5029332 #KB5029351 #WindowsUpdate #WIMVP
#microsoft #windows #Windows11 #kb5029332 #kb5029351 #windowsupdate #WIMVP
Windows 11 (21H2) KB5029332 Update: What's new and improved? → https://www.kunal-chowdhury.com/2023/08/windows-11-kb5029332-update.html
#Microsoft #Windows #Windows11 #KB5029332 #KB5029351 #WindowsUpdate #WIMVP
#microsoft #windows #Windows11 #kb5029332 #kb5029351 #windowsupdate #WIMVP
Betanews: Microsoft releases KB5029351 update for Windows 11, changing default app options, introducing optional update changes, improving search, and much more https://betanews.com/2023/08/23/microsoft-releases-kb5029351-update-for-windows-11-changing-default-app-options-introducing-optional-update-changes-improving-search-and-much-more/ #optionalupdatesforWindows #Windows11problems #Windows1122H2 #WindowsUpdate #fixWindows11 #GroupPolicy #KB5029351 #Microsoft #Windows11 #Article
#optionalupdatesforwindows #windows11problems #windows1122h2 #windowsupdate #fixwindows11 #grouppolicy #kb5029351 #microsoft #windows11 #article
Bin z.z. mit meinem Uralt-PC unterwegs, ca. 13 Jahre alt. Als einzige Anschlussmöglichkeit für einen externen Monitor hat er einen VGA-Anschluss auf der Rückseite.
Der Uralt-PC hat 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher. Die Festplatte (keine SSD) hat 320 GB Speicherplatz. Auf ihm läuft #Linux Mint (benötigt 7,6 GB Speicherplatz).
Laufende grafische Oberfläche von #LinuxMint + geöffneter Firefox mit 2 Tabs = beansprucht 1,2 GB von 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher.
PC läuft performant genug.
#linux #linuxmint #windowsupdate #Windows11
I've seen lots of posts over the years about people being frustrated by the fact that Windows automatically reboots for updates. But since 2015 there has been a workaround where you can set the connection to metered, and then it will check and show the updates, but not initiate the download as far as I can tell. I'm wondering if there's a reason people don't do this? I'm fairly certain you can configure OneDrive to download/sync even when over a metered network, but I feel like this is a good workaround as I've been doing it for years and never had any of these unexpected restarts, as updates happen when I choose to make them happen. For example the updates for this month came out last week and I just installed them last night. #Windows #Windows10 #Windows11 #updates #WindowsUpdate
#windows #windows10 #Windows11 #updates #windowsupdate
I feel that at some point, some developer at Microsoft took the code behind "Update and shutdown", and replaced it with the code behind "Update and restart", and thought nobody would notice.
#Microsoft #Windows #WindowsUpdate
#windowsupdate #windows #microsoft
#Windows #WindowsUpdate
#KB5028166 のインストールは 97% で停止。前と変わらずです。これ、一晩待ってもダメだったパターンなので、この更新プログラムのインストールはやめましょう。
#windows #windowsupdate #kb5028166
#KB5028166 のインストールが完了して、再起動待ちになっているので、再起動してみます。不具合起きたら抹殺するんだからねっ。
#windows #windowsupdate #kb5028166
そろそろ #WindowsUpdate の日が来るので、先月不具合を起こしていた #KB5028166 の非表示を解除することにした。途中プログラムの更新もあったようなので、今度はうまくいくと信じよう。
#windows #windowsupdate #kb5028166
Windows 11 KB5028245 Update - Enhancements, Fixes, and Everything You Need to Know → https://www.kunal-chowdhury.com/2023/07/windows-11-KB5028245-update.html
Microsoft has released a new preview update (non-security) for devices running Windows 11, version 21H2. #Microsoft #Windows #Windows11 #KB5028245 #WindowsUpdate #WIMVP
#microsoft #windows #Windows11 #kb5028245 #windowsupdate #WIMVP
#WindowsUpdate #windows10