Hugh :vm: :python: :cc_cc: · @mobilehugh
37 followers · 128 posts · Server


Well that is quite awesome. I have been trapped in the surveillance OS for a while. Miss my Linux. Getting closer to getting the nix back in my life.

#os #windoze #surveillance #Linux

Last updated 1 year ago

Rhababerbarbar · @Rhababerbarbar
8 followers · 167 posts · Server
forrest · @buru5
83 followers · 1354 posts · Server

what's the most simple video editor on ? i am looking for something as simple as the old windows XP/7 movie maker, just splice/cut and mash stuff together.

#free #windoze

Last updated 1 year ago

💐 🏖 🌺 𝕂𝕚𝕂𝕚 · @ZeKik
197 followers · 5687 posts · Server

@Dylan Before I would agree to pay for MacOS, I used multiple iterations of Linux for all of my personal stuff. I loved that too, because of the stability and security compared to , but overall, MacOS is much better, yet obviously not free.

Windows has improved immensely (I’ve never tried anything newer than Win10 yet), but it’s still overwhelmingly less efficient and secure than either of the aforementioned.


Last updated 1 year ago

Stephen Smith · @stephensmith
171 followers · 331 posts · Server

Has anyone in the history of computing ever deliberately shutdown their Windows PC by pressing Alt-F4?


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave · @Dave2022
463 followers · 701 posts · Server

Don’t Drink and Fly.

Noticed a strange looking plane the other day as it flew over the garden. Then it came over again. And again. Several times. It looked like a flying shoebox. Photos to follow eventually when I get home as my laptop has now been declared officially deceased.

#planespotting #screenshot #flightplan #iPhone #windoze #rip

Last updated 2 years ago

Hobson Lane · @hobs
689 followers · 1936 posts · Server

@mcc because and and and for agencies.
At least one US municipal police IT department enabled for sudo accounts on the domain controller so the mayor and city counselors could access their *EMAIL*!!! And IT managers stonewalled FBI agent asking them to shut it down... until FBI caught a botnet on the police department network phoning home (it has been there for years).

#darknetdiaries #rdp #windoze #tla #backdoors #DarkPattern #defectivebydesign #walledgarden

Last updated 2 years ago

SoftwareHub · @SoftwareHub
21 followers · 4 posts · Server

for proper arabic display in 'cmd' term on WimpyDOS
- chcp 1256
- set font to 'Lucida Console'

#arab #arabic #wimpydos #windoze #Windows

Last updated 2 years ago

>actively distributed through malvertizing
>the file the victims download from it contains a VPN installer, but it’s trojanized with malware too
>Additionally, OpcJacker can establish persistence on the compromised system by performing the necessary registry modifications on Windows

Eh, windoze? Hahahahahaha.

💜 🐧

#malware #vpn #windoze

Last updated 2 years ago

@v Wow!

>thinking on moving ... to

Why? 😮

I have never seen the point of choosing the Linux universe, only to then voluntarily choose a distro whose DE [Pantheon] prevents all but maybe the most trivial user-customisations of the UI... ergo being in that sense as bad as & .

Otoh, i suppose there must be some penguins, somewhere, content with accepting whatever is handed them without personalisation input capacity. 🤷‍♀️

#elementaryos #windoze #mac

Last updated 2 years ago

9x0rg · @9x0rg
149 followers · 1431 posts · Server

Ch'tite question amis Fédinautes:

quelle première distribution conseiller à quelqu'un qui subit depuis le début et qui a enfin choisi d'embrasser la lumière?

À part Ubuntu je veux dire.

p/s. je ne peux pas l'aider suis un gros boulet de "I use Arch BTW".


#linux #windoze

Last updated 2 years ago

@benny @beandev
Ich habe ca. 1992 mal eine an der Uni installiert. Ein paar Jahre später kam dann erst die und später die . Seit dem bin ich privat bei .

Ausser meinen natürlich. 🤣

Beruflich, auf dem Desktop, und als Server alles mögliche, , , natürlich ,…

#slackware #suse #opensuse #mac #windoze #hpux #solaris #Linux

Last updated 2 years ago

Do you have an old laptop or PC that struggles with Windows 10 and won't even look at Windows 11? Or what about that old Windows 7 laptop gathering dust under the stairs?
I have an old Lenovo T400 laptop which surprisingly can run Windows 10. However when my very old Lenovo Edge running Linux finally gave up the ghost, I installed MXLinux on the T400. MXLinux is a Debian based distribution and is so easy to operate.
Have a look.

#linux #MXLinux21 #windoze #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

Do you have an old laptop or PC that struggles with Windows 10 and won't even look at Windows 11? Or what about that old Windows 7 laptop gathering dust under the stairs?
I have an old Lenovo T400 laptop which surprisingly can run Windows 10. However when my very old Lenovo Edge running Linux finally gave up the ghost, I installed MXLinux on the T400. MXLinux is a Debian based distribution and is so easy to operate.
Have a look.

#linux #MXLinux21 #windoze #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

Kane · @KaneG
33 followers · 581 posts · Server

@tobi Hate to say it, but probably .


Last updated 2 years ago

Wishart · @wishartfrankfield
67 followers · 494 posts · Server

Do you have an old laptop or PC that struggles with Windows 10 and won't even look at Windows 11? Or what about that old Windows 7 laptop gathering dust under the stairs?
I have an old Lenovo T400 laptop which surprisingly can run Windows 10. However when my very old Lenovo Edge running Linux finally gave up the ghost, I installed MXLinux on the T400. MXLinux is a Debian based distribution and is so easy to operate.
Have a look.

#linux #MXLinux21 #windoze #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

Wishart · @wishartfrankfield
66 followers · 467 posts · Server

Do you have an old laptop or PC that struggles with Windows 10 and won't even look at Windows 11? Or what about that old Windows 7 laptop gathering dust under the stairs?
I have an old Lenovo T400 laptop which surprising can run Windows 10. However when my very old Lenovo Edge running Linux finally gave up the ghost, I installed MXLinux on the T400. MXLinux is a Debian based distribution and is so easy to operate.
Have a look.

#linux #MXLinux21 #windoze #youtube

Last updated 2 years ago

Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1186 followers · 4615 posts · Server

A bit of time on that repaint for a large-print keyboard for FiL.

I stripped the old markings off the keycaps, then painted the surface with an acrylic of the same colour.

I roughly colour-matched a new keycap labels in and printed on paper. I trimmed and mounted.

Finally coated w crazy-glue aka cyanoacrylate for a hard, durable surface. Trying four or five coats, w heat-gun to speed drying… hopefully not melting the caps which are likely ABS.

#keycap #elderly #windoze #inkscape #maker

Last updated 2 years ago

Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1279 followers · 5294 posts · Server

A bit of time on that repaint for a large-print keyboard for FiL.

I stripped the old markings off the keycaps, then painted the surface with an acrylic of the same colour.

I roughly colour-matched a new keycap labels in and printed on paper. I trimmed and mounted.

Finally coated w crazy-glue aka cyanoacrylate for a hard, durable surface. Trying four or five coats, w heat-gun to speed drying… hopefully not melting the caps which are likely ABS.

#keycap #elderly #windoze #inkscape #maker

Last updated 2 years ago

nitrofurano · @nitrofurano
85 followers · 119 posts · Server

@msxwiki is there anyone still using ? i wonder... :O


Last updated 2 years ago