But jokes on her if the interviewer is a #WindRose fan and sings along - or starts digging.
Brothers of the #coffee rejoice!
Brew, brew, brew with me
Raise your mug and raise your voice!
Sing, sing, sing with me
Early and early rings the alarm
Who knows what we'll find during this morning?
🎸 🎵
#coffee #windrose #diggydiggyhole #goodmorning #mastodon
Hallo zusammen! #RockHarz ist nun vorbei, ich bin absolut fertig, aber es war mal wieder genial. Auch wenn die letzten Tage viel zu heiß waren, aber da kann das Festival nichts dafür.
Ein paar Highlights:
- #Feuerschwanz haben sich in mein Diddl-Freundebuch eingetragen 🔥
- Campspiele: BANG! und Hochstapler (Looping Louie wurde nicht einmal ausgepackt o.O)
- die intensive Dusche durch die Grabenschlampen kurz vor #WindRose
- Spülklos in der Nähe, die fast immer mit Papier bestückt waren 🥰
#windrose #feuerschwanz #rockharz
Aktueller Zustand: Zu warm. *legt sich nochmal das nasse Tuch auf den Kopf*
Eben das erste Mal #windrose gehört - Zwergenmetal? Count me in!
@Kitty that one also includes the legendary #MysticProphecy of Ravenlord fame and #Windrose who gave us the best version of Diggy Diggy Hole
#dnalounge #moonspell #eleine #oceansofslumber #vintersea #metal #gothicmetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #powermetal #progressivemetal #escapefromthezoo #doomscroll #yearofthefist #folkpunk #skapunk #indie #alternative #crust
#dnalounge #moonspell #eleine #OceansOfSlumber #vintersea #metal #gothicmetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #powermetal #progressivemetal #escapefromthezoo #doomscroll #yearofthefist #folkpunk #skapunk #indie #alternative #crust
The post-concert exhaustion got me, and I feel like my old iPhone hanging on to life at 3% battery.
But before I drop, I need to get this concert euphoria off my off chest.
It was amazing! Ahhhhh!
My sister gets a hug for bringing me to this shindig and introducing me to these bands.
Also kudos to whoever brought the foam sword, and the armor. This is what we should all strive for.
#rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea
I literally just saw #windrose and #rhapsodyOfFire in SF and it was amazing.
I am completely new to both - my sister and her friend are very much wind rose fans and dragged their entire friend group plus myself along - but I just loved it.
So keep on sharing, newcomers like myself always appreciate it.
♬ RHAPSODY OF FIRE at DNA Lounge starting now!
#dnalounge #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #metal #powermetal #progressivemetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #metal #powermetal #progressivemetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
♬ RHAPSODY OF FIRE at DNA Lounge tonight: Thu May 25, 7pm!
#dnalounge #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #metal #powermetal #progressivemetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rhapsodyoffire #windrose #sevenkingdoms #anthea #metal #powermetal #progressivemetal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
Celle-là m’a donné du fil à retordre 😅
This one was not easy for me 😅
#compass #compassrose #windrose #snakes #map #mapmaking #mapmaker #cartography #fantasy #fantasymap #dnd #rpg #jdr #procreate
#compass #compassrose #windrose #snakes #map #mapmaking #mapmaker #cartography #fantasy #fantasymap #DnD #rpg #jdr #procreate
#Aerotelegraph - Windrose und Ukraine International: Führungskrise und Flugzeugtausch in der ukrainischen Luftfahrt - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/fuehrungskrise-und-flugzeugtausch-in-der-ukrainischen-luftfahrt #ukraine_international_airlines #Airlines #windrose #ukraine #kiew
#Aerotelegraph #ukraine_international_airlines #airlines #windrose #ukraine #kiew
Wohlige Erfahrung:
Die Leute haben auch
oder gerade jetzt
oder immer noch
Sehnsucht nach
zarten Tönen.
#Lyrik #poetrycommunity
#musik #cello
#lyrik #poetrycommunity #Musik #cello #Oberursel #frankfurt #windrose #innererkompass
Just found this band #WindRose and I'm liking their tunes... So I'll share one with you!
Fellows of the Hammer
>Wind Rose · Song · 2022
#windrose #music #shareyoursongs #spotify #songsnooneaskedfor
Últimamente he conocido muchas bandas de #PowerMetal como #Myrath #WindRose #GloryHammer con temas interesantes aunque de momento solo escuché un par de temas de cada una.
#gloryhammer #windrose #myrath #powermetal
Wir nähern uns dem Höhepunkt des Abends... #rumahoy #windrose #gloryhammer #alestorm
#rumahoy #windrose #gloryhammer #alestorm
Bosser sur les boussoles c’est toujours super chouette :)
Working on a compass rose is always nice :)
#map #mapmaker #mapmaking #fantasymap #fantasy #rpg #dnd #jdr #ttrpg #compass #windrose
#map #mapmaker #mapmaking #fantasymap #fantasy #rpg #DnD #jdr #ttrpg #compass #windrose
Il y a quelques temps, je m'étais amusé à compiler les roses des vents dessinées pour mes cartes. Depuis, la collection s'est agrandie :)
A while ago I assembled the compass I drew for my maps. The collection has grown since :)
#map #mapmaking #mapmaker #compass #windrose
So, since I'm new on dice.camp, it's time of an #introduction.
I'm Thomas, cartographer for hire, French, in my 40s. I draw maps for games and #novelsbut mostly because it's damn fun ! If you wanna see more, please follow the link 😁
#map #mapmaking #mapmaker #rpg #ttrpg #jdr #FantasyMap #fantasy #WindRose #compass #RoseDesVents #cartography #dnd #DD5 #5E
#introduction #novelsbut #map #mapmaking #mapmaker #rpg #ttrpg #jdr #fantasymap #fantasy #windrose #compass #rosedesvents #cartography #DnD #dd5 #5e