Yall, I welcomed unto the world this morning 2 new little f2 mini lamancha bucklings from my F1 Marylin and their dad my F1 Gaston. They are absolutely beautiful and I am so happy they are here. Lots more momma goats holding their babies hostage since we have around 100 in the herd......
Marylin is one of my top milking does and I'm excited she has finally had her kids.
#windrowfarms #f2minilamanchabucklings #happytuesdayyall
Yall, sometimes we are called to do things that we know is the right thing to do. I felt I needed to help my fellow pig rescue who is full by taking on a pregnant momma pig who is only 6months old. She was in a pen with 5 males and if younknow pigs you know what male pigs do all day long if they can.
She is safe and hopefully will be ok having a litter of babies soon.
#windrowfarms #rescuesneedtohappen #pregnantpiggy
Yall, today was a great day to gather eggs. The girls outdid themselves by giving me 62 of them.....
We love to eat eggs......my favorite meal is a fried egg with runny yoke placed on top of my homemade sausage gravy & biscuits for dinner.
I also use fresh eggs in some of the goat milk soaps I make.
#windrowfarms #windrowfarmsgoatmilksoapandmore #farmfresheggs