2023 Paid VPN Relationship and Corporate VPN Ownership Map
#ycombinator #windscribe #vpn #free_vpn #virtual_private_network #privacy #security #tunnel #anonymous
#ycombinator #windscribe #vpn #free_vpn #virtual_private_network #privacy #security #tunnel #anonymous
You might have seen that #Mullvad is dropping port forwarding. If you're like me and you need to be able to accept incoming connections, where will you go?
Two other "no logs" services that come to mind are #windscribe and #airvpn. Are there any others I should look into?
"This beauty right here is every proven relationship between media companies, content sites, corporate VPNs, and independent VPNs that [the author] could find."
**Who owns your data? A VPN Relationship Map**
#mullvad #ivpn #windscribe #airvpn #privacy
~26 hours ago i made a last-minute decision to jump into the #Windscribe #VPN 7th Birthday Sale offer of 58% off [after humming & hahing for several days before, i finally went for it 30' before they closed it].
So far, my Free account still has not upgraded. Apparently the cause is that i used #Paypal, which allegedly can take up to three business days to make the payment. So it seems i need to wait for possibly another two days... all the time wondering if perchance i'd accidentally fallen for some spoof website & thus been scammed. Prolly not... but still it'll be a bit of a relief once i do see that the upgrade happened. 😨
Na minha opinião, todas as #vpn deveriam de ser assim https://windscribe.com/ethics
Yep, i know. I've used only that in all my paid-for vpns for >decade, on basis of security.
Though my current vpn [whose various global servers i access via #NetworkManager with #openVPN] subscription unfortunately still has ~year left, over recent months i've been testing new-to-me #Windscribe on basis of being a rare 🐧 vpn with a GUI client, ie, not cli or NM. It has several protocols incl #Wireguard & openVPN. Tis interesting...
#networkmanager #openvpn #windscribe #wireguard
This #windscribe #VPN GUI app OEM pkg continues to be good, in my test VM, + another day. Am now closer to being comfy enough with it to install in my real #Arch. Not just yet... but maybe soon.
Also, maybe i now understand my earlier observation that
>#NetworkManager keeps indicating limited connectivity
One of this app's several protocols is #WíreGuard, which seems to be default. Otoh #KDEPlasma's #NetworkManager afaik has no ootb WG support, so i suspect with this app, NM gets confused.
#windscribe #vpn #arch #networkmanager #wireguard #kdeplasma
Since i last posted into this thread, has anyone in the Masto-verse happened to have tried this #windscribe #VPN GUI app in #ArchLinux, perchance?
Asking coz tonight, on a whim i revisited their site https://windscribe.com/guides/linux, to see if their Arch pkg in the dropdown still only said "coming, maybe". Found that now they have actually released their official Arch version, `windscribe_2.5.18_x86_64.pkg.tar.zst`.
Keen to try it, but wary coz of the killswitch PITA b4. Anyone, pls?
Je me suis enfin décidé a me créer un compte #windscribe. Merci @niavy pour cette astuce, je suis refait.
L'idée première est pour samedi soir avec les enfants.
On vient de passer 4 semaines a se faire ils Toy story, donc pour finir je me suis dit ça serait cool de pouvoir voir buzz l'éclair (dont j'avais eu la pub sur Android TV).
Donc j'ai franchi le pas j'ai créé un compte et configurer le vpn sur Android TV.
Ce soir je fait un test vite fait et alors la...
I got the #SlatePlus in today and it works much better for me compared to the #Beryl. Getting #Tailscale to work on it the way I have in my head will be a project for another day. I did get #Windscribe set up on it and working with the switch on the side, however!
It’s going to be a cool little gadget for me to have when I’m making my trips around the state.
#slateplus #beryl #tailscale #windscribe
Bon, ben... Les #VPN "c'est le mal", mais en attendant, entre #Windscribe pour #DisneyPlus et #ProtonVPN pour #PlutoTV et #Tubi, y a un catalogue monstrueux !
Les derniers Marvel un ou deux mois après la sortie ciné, plus de séries récentes (killing eve, Grey's, 911 notamment)…
Tout Stargate SG-1, Atlantis et Universe en VO sur Pluto, les films et la web-série Origins sur Tubi... L'intégralité de la #CoupeDuMonde2018 sur Tubi aussi, quelques chaînes Fox Sports et beIN.
Avec des VPN gratuits !
#vpn #windscribe #disneyplus #protonvpn #plutotv #tubi #coupedumonde2018
Not my current VPN, but today read https://www.howtogeek.com/856154/windscribe-vpn-review/, and then https://windscribe.net/guides/linux with its interesting
>Windscribe Linux app can be used completely free, even with your own VPN servers (OpenVPN and WireGuard) or other VPN providers!
, so i decided to install the GUI app from AUR in one of my Arch-based VMs as test.
My current VPN is one of many without 🐧 GUI client, so for yrs i just use their OpenVPN configs in NetworkManager . Now, this WS app looks useful:
Kinda scary how #Windscribe seems to have a fake version of their website on the first Bing search result, which is scary.
@Vaunghk Usuarios de #Reddit compilaron esta comparativa:
Personalmente uso #Windscribe en su plan gratuito y me va super. Dicho eso, si la pagara probablemente gravitaría hacía #Surfshark o #Nordvpn basándome en esa comparativa.
#Reddit #windscribe #surfshark #nordvpn #vpn #software
If you're in need of some free #VPN gear, join the #Windscribe Discord server (discord.gg/vpn) and watch for the announcement tomorrow. I'm collaborating with them for the third year on a #contest with plenty of prizes for winners and a few random players.
More info: https://santamas.httpjames.space.
Some of my favourite #BlackFriday sales for #privacy #software so far:
- #StandardNotes.com: 40% off
- #AdvinServers.com: Double RAM, clearance
- #Filen.io: 33% off
- #AnonAddy.com: 40% off
- #Hetzner.com: Free month on storage shares
- #Windscribe.com: 58% off
- #Proton.me: $20 off
#proton #windscribe #hetzner #AnonAddy #filen #advinservers #standardnotes #software #privacy #blackfriday