Visiting sommelier from Mexico, 119-year-old Zinfandel in Lizzy James Vineyard; east side of Mokelumne River AVA where the Lodi soil is the deepest and sandiest. #ancientvines #oldvines #zinfandel #historicvineyard #randycaparosophotography #WineInstitute #californiawine #lodiwine #lodiwinecountry
#lodiwinecountry #lodiwine #californiawine #wineinstitute #randycaparosophotography #historicvineyard #zinfandel #oldvines #ancientvines
How often do you get to talk to someone who knows literally more than anyone else in the world about an interesting and relevant topic? I do this Wednesday at noon PDT!
Joining me for my #TablasCreek #InstagramLive will be Steve Gross, Vice President of State Relations for the #WineInstitute. He knows more about the web of laws and regulations that govern whether #wineries can sell their #wine to you, the customer, than anyone else alive. I hope you'll join us.
#tablascreek #instagramlive #wineinstitute #wineries #wine #winebusiness #wineshipping
This morning's Old Vine Master Class for two dozen educators from around the world, as part of California Wine Institute's Capstone program and organized by Evan Goldstein MS's Full Circle Wine Solutions. #oldvines #californiawines #capstonecalifornia #WineInstitute #fullcirclewinesolutions
#fullcirclewinesolutions #wineinstitute #capstonecalifornia #californiawines #oldvines
Caught in a more serious moment, presenting Lodi-grown ancient vine wines to visiting "global buyers" organized by California Institute this past November 4. Tegan Passalacqua and I are discussing Sandlands and Turley Wine Cellars wines from Kirschenmann Vineyard (where the truck was parked, Zinfandel planted on its own roots in 1915), along with a few other Lodi growths. #lodiwine #lodiwinecountry #WineInstitute #ownrooted #ancientvines #oldvines #turleywine #sandlands #zinfandel #randycaparoso
#randycaparoso #zinfandel #sandlands #turleywine #oldvines #ancientvines #ownrooted #wineinstitute #lodiwinecountry #lodiwine