#winesofmastodon #winesofkent #gusbourne Back to Ashford in Kent and the village of Appledore for a beautiful bottle of Gusbourne Rose 2018. Beautiful light strawberry bouquet, and a gorgeous taste of different fruits. This winemaker never fails 🥰🥰 Last bottle before my father hits 80! (Hopefully not too hard)
#winesofmastodon #winesofkent #gusbourne
Mr NoName has chosen a Pinotage from Fairview in South Africa
...it has a cork 😲
Well that didn't go well!! I think the corkscrew went in slightly off vertical and after some furious pulling on the corkscrew the cork broke. Managed to screw the corkscrew into the remains of the cork and was able to retrieve it without any falling into the bottle (I think)
#wine #italianwine #winesofmastodon
Mr NoName has literally found a corker of a wine today. I've had this variety of grape before, but not from this winemaker
#wine #italianwine #winesofmastodon
Mr NoName has pushed the boat out tonight and chosen a bottle of La Piuma Montepulciano D'Abruzzo red wine
#wine #italianwine #winesofmastodon