Die tiefblauen Beeren von Cabernet Cortis und Regent leuchten in der Abendsonne. Nur noch ein paar Tage und dann kann die Lese starten. Im Moment haben wir ca. 70 Grad Oechsleย ๐๐ฅ
The deep blue berries of Cabernet Cortis and Regent shine in the evening sun. Only a few more days and then the harvest can start. At the moment we have about 70 degrees Oechsle. ๐๐ฅ
#germany #darmstadt #bergstrasse #wineyard
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This what I deerly hate most of all the works on the farm. Spraying the grapes. It is so contradictory to grow food on plants that you have to poison to stay healthy.
But I can't grow this variety, in the setup of single posts organically. Not possible.
So we're keeping it this way, learn about the whole grape and eine stuff until we maybe some day replant it with resistant varieties.
#wineyard #grapes #NotOrganic