Thanks for the recommendation of #WingetUI on #WindowsWeekly. I've been running it since you mentioned it and it is working flawlessly. It keeps all my software up to date without me having to check.
Thanks for the recommendation of #WingetUI on #WindowsWeekly. I've been running it since you mentioned it and it is working flawlessly. It keeps all my software up to date without me having to check.
Actualización de #WingetUI ahora conpatible con el repo de #Chocolatey.
Un programa imprescindible para tener al día tus apps instaladas.
#wingetui #chocolatey #windows
#WingetUI is a graphical user interface for #Winget, #Scoop, and #Chocolatey.
➡️ install, update and uninstall packages from all three package managers.
➡️ Detect if manually-installed apps can be updated
➡️ Shows notification when there are available updates
#Windows10 #Windows11 #PackageManager #FOSS #OpenSource #GitHub
#wingetui #winget #scoop #chocolatey #windows10 #windows11 #packagemanager #foss #opensource #github