tim-d · @timdalton
6 followers · 15 posts · Server mindly.social

Somehow forgot that I was going to post some old plane photos from Saturday. This is a North American T-28A trainer used after WWII through 1960ish? Got there just as he was taxiing in.
One of the things I wanted to accomplish there was taking some video that wasn't jerky and not exactly in focus. Changed some settings in the camera and there was an improvement. So, Iā€™m happy.
Tomorrow is Z8 day, so double happy.

#aviationphotography #aircraft #planes #wingsovertherockies

Last updated 1 year ago

D-Tim · @timdalton
71 followers · 181 posts · Server home.social

Well, there are windows in the photo.

This is the inside of the museum here in Denver CO.

It's an old airplane hanger left over from the Lowery Air Base. I'm absolutely drawn to the hanger doors at the end with all those many windows and defused light coming in.
link is to an Lightroom page with some other photos I took yesterday. (there is a B1 bomber on the right)

#windowfriday #fensterfreitag #wingsovertherockies #photography #aviationphotography #planes

Last updated 1 year ago