まだまだやってる #Wingspan
Esta semana jugué dos veces Wingspan... y gané dos veces... eso no es tan común 😝
Es un juego hermoso... especialmente si te gustan los pájaros... y el adaptador para 2 jugadores lo hace muy jugable... pero creo que todavía me gusta más Duel.
#pajaros #wingspan #juegosdemesa
This week's Player Intrusion comes from Stace who recommends our listeners play #Wingspan!
New k̶e̶y̶b̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ keybird!
#keyboards #mechanicalkb #mechkb #birb #birds #wingspan
Went on a really pretty #nature trail with the boyfriend at Lochwinnoch Nature Reserve, after being inspired by the #boardgame #wingspan to try and spot some birds (didn’t get that many on camera, but saw them through a handy pocket telescope!) 💚🍃🦆
#gaymers #gaycouple #gay #scotland #RSPB #wingspan #boardgame #nature
So after playing lots of #wingspan @radeen and I decided to go out and do some #birding / #birdwatching irl
Headed out to #RSPB Lochwinnoch and got to see some Greylag Geese, a Moorhen, Grey Heron and lots of Mute Swans and Mallard Ducks.
Amazing how a #boardgame can inspire people to connect with #nature in the real world, one of the reasons I love it so much!
#nature #boardgame #RSPB #birdwatching #birding #wingspan
Been playing a lot of #wingspan recently and just got the #WingspanEuropeanExpansion very excited to play this weekend. Also going to visit an #RSPB reserve to do some birdwatching for the first time ever. I love that a #boardgame like this can inspire me and others to take a more active interest in our #naturalworld
#nature #gaming #boardgames #birdwatching #birding #naturalworld #boardgame #RSPB #WingspanEuropeanExpansion #wingspan
Finally picked up Wingspan Asia. Haven’t played it yet, but the duet mode looks cool. Really need to pick up the big box to consolidate everything.
I’m excited to be presenting at the #GenerationAnalog2023 conference!
Catch our paper during the "Textures of Play" #panel this Thursday. Melbourne time for the session is 2-3:30am, so please be gentle. My supervised student Noah will also present work on #Wingspan in the same session
The abstracts: bit.ly/3KdD11z
#generationanalog2023 #panel #wingspan
Finally got around to playing our first ever game of Wingspan last night! Such a lovely game and it’s fun to play.
With the swift starter kit, a video guide, and keeping the reference book next to us, we took it slow and played the four rounds, it wasn’t as tricky to learn as I initially thought, and it was interesting how my partner and I played in completely different styles.
I can see why this is so popular! I’ve already got the European expansion, maybe Asia next?
Hieraŭ vespere, ludante tabulludon, manĝante Doritojn per manĝbastonetoj por ne malpurigi la kartojn. #Tabulludo #Doritos #Wingspan
Ayer en la noche, jugando un juego de mesa, comiendo Doritos con palillos para no ensuciar las cartas. #JuegosDeMesa #Doritos #Wingspan
#wingspan #doritos #juegosdemesa
Have not played #Wingspan in a long time. Base game against the autonoma. I forgot how much comfort this gave provides while still providing solid strategy. #boardgames #soloboardgaming
#wingspan #boardgames #soloboardgaming
I had some lovely time learning #wingspan #boardgame with my oldest daughter. Its rules are actually simple once we got to lay the pieces and cards on the table, but I tried to learn this game on the Android app and I couldn't really mesh with it. Now that I know the rules from the physical world, I can play the game on the tablet. It's a nice app but not a replacement for playing it on a table. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MonsterCouch.Wingspan&hl=en&gl=US