”It is in playing and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.”
—Donald. W. Winnicott, Playing and Reality (1971)
#winnicott #psychoanalysis #creativity #self
Book & Practice Discussion Group: Playing & Reality in the 21st Century Wednesdays, 8-9:30 p.m. ET 1/11-3/22. 10 weeks focusing on #Winnicott’s Playing & Reality & open to licensed #therapists. More info at https://bit.ly/3uSuqJk #gamer #psychology #socialwork Pls Repost!
#socialwork #psychology #gamer #therapists #winnicott
@philosophy "Schopenhauer's Porcupines" is a great introductory text for anyone looking to understand #psychoanalysis further, as she weaves theories from #Freud, #Winnicott, #Klein and #Lacan into her description of the cases.
The solution to the porcupines' dilemma is below
#lacan #klein #winnicott #freud #psychoanalysis
"Psychotherapy is akin to play, according to Winnicott. Therapy takes place neither inside the mind of the patient nor inside that of the therapist, but in some middle area, in the potential space between them."
#consciousness #mind #winnicott #psychoanalysis
@philosophy the second case is of Judith - a young girl whose type 1 diabetes is exacerbated by #stress within her family
"The word “stress” derives from the Latin strictus, meaning "compressed". Etymologically, then, stress has to do with too little room and a need to spread out.
This etymology puts me in mind of Winnicott’s notion of potential space —that intermediate area between the subjective and objective in which creativity and play occur."
#other #self #psychoanalysis #winnicott #stress
Due parole soltanto su creatività e psicanalisi, semplificando un poco…
La sublimazione
Per Cassirer l'uomo è un animale simbolico a prescindere. Ma per la psicanalisi come nasce ad esempio la creatività, soprattutto quella artistica? Per Freud il vero motore di tutto è la sublimazione, ovvero la possibili
#ArteeCultura #Bion #Criticabiografica #Freud #Klein #Neuroscienze #Winnicott
#winnicott #neuroscienze #klein #freud #Criticabiografica #Bion #ArteeCultura
It's a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found" ~ D.W. Winnicott #winnicott #psychoanalysis #therapy #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #therapy #psychoanalysis #winnicott
“Trauma occurs when there is an encounter with the Real, which denies signification.” ~ Lacan #psychoanalysis #children #therapy #mentalhealth #lacan #winnicott
#winnicott #lacan #mentalhealth #therapy #children #psychoanalysis
"It is a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found."
~ D.W. Winnicott | #philosophy #psychology #motivation #insipiration #quote #winnicott #psychoanalysis #developmentalpsychology #existentialism #stoicism #playingandreality #psychotherapy #childanalysis #childtherapy
#childtherapy #childanalysis #psychotherapy #playingandreality #stoicism #existentialism #developmentalpsychology #psychoanalysis #winnicott #quote #insipiration #Motivation #psychology #philosophy