Well, let's try to join in the fun for #AnimangaPictureChallenge set up by @lantana
This week is books and, well, our team found this screenshot while doing #FirstImpression posts for Kubo-san Won't Let Me Be Invisible.
#animangapicturechallenge #firstimpression #久保さん #kubosan #kubosan_anime #anime #winteranime2023
Did you know that our team has been checking out nearly all the #anime in the #WinterAnime2023 season? We've been doing a bunch of first impression posts.
Check out a compilation of them here: https://beneaththetangles.com/2023/01/02/winter-2023-anime-first-impressions/
That is too many. Some will drop. Replies will contain thoughts as I work through.
#sugarapplefairytale #buddydaddies #endoandkobayashilive #adventurerswhodontbelieveinhumanity #thefirehunter #uniteup #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #highcard #winteranime2023 #anime
A starter post with tags for anime I plan to try this season.
2nd Season:
#IDOLiSH7 #BlueLock #playitcoolguys #TokyoRevengers #thevampirediesinnotime #tsurune #D4DJ #mouippon #flaglia #kubowontletmebeinvisible #malevolentspirits #reborntomastertheblade #campfirecookinginanotherworld #theiceguyandhiscoolfemalecolleague #themagicalrevolutionofthereincarnated #kainaofthegreatsnowsea #onimai #revenger #technoroid #tomochanisagirl #winteranime2023 #anime