Update on the screw-in studs situation...the back tire didn't last. Studs in the middle of the tread + rear weight = no good.
Spare tire on, and on the plus side, the cargo situation has evolved substantially.
#yycbike #yyc #winterbike #winterbiking #bikelife #biketooter #carfree
#yycbike #yyc #winterbike #winterbiking #bikelife #biketooter #carfree
Ok, ich bekenne mich schuldig, dass mein #Winterbike für #Matsch und #Schnee wenig #Pflege abbekommt 🤪😇
#OutdoorWeekend #OutdoorWochenende #OutdoorWE
#MTB #Mountainbike #Bike #Biken #Trail #Trails #Outdoor #Alpen #Alps
#winterbike #matsch #schnee #pflege #outdoorweekend #outdoorwochenende #outdoorwe #mtb #mountainbike #bike #biken #trail #trails #outdoor #alpen #alps
Screw-in tire studs install adventure Round 2. After first few front tire studs worked well (though some fell out), I did some in the back, and more in the front.
Really sank them deep this time, so to hopefully prevent flats from inward-protruding screw heads, I used sticky tack to pad the metal, and duct tape to reinforce the inner wall.
Hasn't stood up to the rigours of daily riding yet, but they're holding air on the bike! Follow along for updates... #yycbike #winterbike
The Big Freeze - Fat Bike Trail Grooming
https://youtu.be/40f3Eqx0lfw #fatbike #winterbike #cycling #wintercycling #enjoywinter #getoutside #winterlife #mtb #wintermtb #ecmtb
#fatbike #winterbike #cycling #wintercycling #enjoywinter #getoutside #winterlife #mtb #wintermtb #ecmtb
In addition to the happy 'we've ridden through the heart of the city on #bikelanes' smiles let us reflect on Claire's amazing socks.
#FrostGlame #winterbike #yegbike
#bikelanes #frostglame #winterbike #yegbike
Check out Elizabeth, and the gorgeous sweater hand knitted by her mother.
#frostglam #winterbike #yegbike
Isla's #FrostGlam includes #Edmonton's Winter City scarf of many colours.
#frostglam #edmonton #winterbike #yegbike
Thanks for helping make our first Fancy Women's #Winterbike Ride a success, @Kellyshenanigans. Talk about #FrostGlam!!
#winterbike #frostglam #yegbike
Edmonton's first Fancy Women's #Winterbike Ride: We gathered, we rode, made new friends, treated ourselves to tea and cakes, posed for #FrostGlam shots, laughed. Simple Saturday afternoon joys, enabled by #bikelanes.
#winterbike #frostglam #bikelanes
You don't have to be a superhero to ride your bike in winter (but you can dress like one if you like).
Forecast for today's Fancy Women's Winterbike Ride is a balmy 4°!
#Winterbike #Yegbike #FrostGlam
[Photo of Theoriginal10cent @ @WinterCyclingFd Congress #yyc, 2019]
#winterbike #yegbike #frostglam #yyc
Feeling slow tonight. Might as well look at the stars.
#fatbike #mtb #winterbike #biketooter #minnesota
#yegbike #FancyWomenWinterbikeRide #WinterBike Feb 11, starts 1:30:
#yegbike #fancywomenwinterbikeride #winterbike
Wochenende!!! Endlich Zeit für ein wenig Spass.
Velofahren im Schnee, unter blauem Himmel, keine Wolke weit und breit aber dafür Sonne satt. Einfach nur geniessen!
#icebiking #snowbiking #frostbike #winterbike #schneeradeln #rosswald #wallis
#icebiking #snowbiking #frostbike #winterbike #schneeradeln #rosswald #wallis
Winterradeln - Nässe und Kälte scheinen nicht das Problem zu sein. Bei Schnee und Eis kommen die Sicherheitsbedenken.
#umverkehr #winterbike #verkehrswende
#umverkehr #winterbike #verkehrswende
Bought a lamp for my bike a few years ago. I used it once. Not sure why I didn't use it more. I guess I couldn't get my head around riding in the dark. I have used the lamp twice in the last week. Last night was so beautiful with the fresh snow and the snow still falling. Just another reason why I love winter riding. Trails were rock solid. #fatbike #nightride #winterbike #mtb #ecmtb #mtbatlantic #backyardtrails #trailbuilding #trailgrooming #enjoywinter #wintercycling #giantyukon #fatbiking
#fatbike #nightride #winterbike #mtb #ecmtb #mtbatlantic #backyardtrails #trailbuilding #trailgrooming #enjoywinter #wintercycling #giantyukon #fatbiking
Schnee und Eis, blauer Himmel, Sonne - ein perfekter Tag für einen Ausflug mit dem Bike.
#icebiking #snowbiking #frostbike #winterbike #schneeradeln
@duncan_blues @WielandWeidema1 @mastobikes_de
Manche machen sich über Schutzbleche lustig weil uncool. Mein #Winterbike ist egal wie das Wetter ist mit Schutzblechen bestückt. Irgendwelche Wege sind immer durch die Forstwirtschaft aufgewühlt und das Wasser aus dem Boden gepresst.
Wenn ich bergab nicht runterbremsen will, und das will ich nicht, dann hätte ich alles im Gesicht und hinten über den Rucksack bis auf den Helm alles voll. Das spare ich mir.
It was a great night for a bike ride yesterday. Calm, mild and foggy. The river was pretty good for riding on. Wakamow Valley trails that I was on were also really nice.
#MooseJaw #FatBike #WinterBike #Winter #snow #saskatchewan
Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/Jp2ySNwZmwb
#moosejaw #fatbike #winterbike #winter #snow #saskatchewan
Hey #BikeTooter, for those of you who #WinterBike on salty city streets, what’s your routine for keeping your drivetrain from looking like this*? How often do you clean and with what? What do you do for preventative care? Do you store warm or cold?
*Not my bike
#BikeTooter #winterbike #winterbiking #bikecommuting
A great day for a ride #yegbike #winterbike
Lots of paved trails, from Blue Quill to Terwillegar and through to the River Loop trails and up to Belgravia. Smooth sailing.