"If you can live through February, you can live another year."
#winterblahs #Winter #february
Today feels like a good day for a quick bread or a sweet loaf. Not something ornate, but some sort of sweet affirmation in the midst of bleak winter. Something that's good with a hot cup of tea.
I'm making an orange yogurt loaf with some cardamom and ginger added. I've never made it before, and I adapted the recipe from a regular gluten based one. I'll post the recipe later if it turns out well.
I really like quick breads because they take me about 10-15 minutes to prep and then I can have a rest while they bake. Do you have a favourite quick bake you like to make?
#ouchThatsTasty #mecfs #winterBlahs #longCovid #food #Foodiverse
#ouchthatstasty #mecfs #winterblahs #LongCovid #food #Foodiverse