Maintainence is key to being able to enjoy the #WinterCity.
Today we walked along a winter maintained MUP (cleared even if not for the melt) until we got to the unmaintained LRT detour (which is supposed to be maintained but neither city nor LRT contractors have accepted responsibility to clear this stretch).
One segment allows people of many abilities to enjoy the outside in the winter, the other (the mayor's so called #BalancedApproach full of missing links and other failures) tells you to stay home.
#wintercity #BalancedApproach #ottawa
A lovely story about a #feitsster in Edmonton, her family & their #bakfeits. Three key points: even living in the suburbs, a family with kiddles can go car-free; even a fancy cargo e-bike is thousands cheaper than a truck; lack of snow plowing is the barrier, not cold.
#yegbike #winterbiking #wintercity
#feitsster #bakfeits #yegbike #winterbiking #wintercity
The inefficiency is baffling. I see it all the time: road snow that’s been dumped on previously cleared sidewalks. #Winnipeg #WinterCity
I’m curious why my Councillor,, didn’t support this motion? Sincere question. #WpgPoli #WinterCity
Below about -30°C when risk of frostbite, tape on face to prevent it. Today -32°C (-26°F).
#winterCity #frostBike #cycling #yxe #bye
#bye #yxe #cycling #frostbike #wintercity
'Twas a two toque* day in #Saskatoon when I went shopping for chocolate by bicycle. House thermometer said the daytime high was -22.3°C.
*toque - knitted hat that warms the brains** and ears etc.
**brains - mine are filled with snow and happiness
#saskatoon #yxe #wintercity #cycling
Jealousy. 😭
#WinterCity #BikeWpg #WpgPoli
"No we have no space for bike parking"
Canarama Mall, Circle Drive & Warman Road, Saskatoon
#winter #snow #saskatoon #byxe #wintercity #yxe #cycling
Hoi ik heb een dal voordeel abonnement via NSFlex. Het lijkt er op dat dit niet gedetecteerd word? #WinterCity
Ploughing and #shovelling are essential.
I'm not sure where you stand on #salt, but I believe we have everything we need for a happy, safe #WinterCity without it. Actually happier without. #StopTheSalt #Cycling
#cycling #stopthesalt #wintercity #salt #shovelling
Fitting that my first post is a tribute to slippery #yeg sidewalks 😂
City sidewalks, slippery sidewalks, made me fall on my butt.
In the air there’s the sounds of me whining!
’Tis the season, folks, ’tis the season 🥶 #yegwinter #wintercity #yegwx
#yegwx #wintercity #yegwinter #yeg