So... I didn't order a new radio... but I did just order a new antenna. Time to do some experimenting before next #arrlfd, maybe even use it for WI #POTA in September and #winterfieldday in January... #hamradio #antenna
#arrlfd #pota #winterfieldday #hamradio #antenna
Was just TXTing with my son, who has a big camper trailer their fam-o--4 takes out frequently. Good job, boy!
Lamenting that I've not had luck finding a cheap/small camper on CraigsList when I've looked. Then it dawned on me. I have a #WILcraft ice fishing amphibious vehicle. It's big enough to be a 1-person camper. I've intended to do #WinterFieldDay in it.
It just needs some "summer-izing". It's designed to keep heat in, with no thought to mosquitoes.
Slight mods - can work.
I couldn't get the #Perl #cabrillo #log aggregator done in time to submit #WinterFieldDay logs for our #club, but I could at least hack together a #shell #script that does most of the dirty work. Still had to change a few things by hand, like correcting the frequency/band field for #VHF contacts, and computing the CLAIMED-SCORE but it's nothing that #awk couldn't handle. #Proud of our club for showing such #enthusiasm for #operating #portable!
#portable #operating #enthusiasm #proud #awk #vhf #script #shell #club #winterfieldday #log #cabrillo #perl
Brushy Peak SOTA video now live:
#winterfieldday #sota #PortableOps #hamradio
@ham_bitious @W8HF #WinterFieldDay Sounds chilly; LOL! #POTA #SOTA #PortableOps #HamRadio
#winterfieldday #pota #sota #portableops #hamradio
Hiking up to our #WinterFieldDay site.
#sota #PortableOps #hamradio #winterfieldday
A map of my Winter Field Day QSO's. All were SSB voice contacts.
#AmateurRadio #HamRadio #winterfieldday #qso #map #ssb
I think what I proved this #winterfieldday is that I still like #portable #operating, and that Iām a more of a #wimp than I used to be when it comes to #weather. š
#weather #wimp #operating #portable #winterfieldday
Thanks everyone for a wonderful POTA activation and Winter Field Day.
The Skywide Amateur Radio Club had a blast and we can't wait for summer field day!
Please enjoy a short video of our club activities in the field this weekend.
#radio #winterfieldday #wfd #hamradio #amateurradio
This #WinterFieldDay started disastrously with me getting my arborist throw line tangled between two tree limbs. But after 20 minutes, I finally got the antenna, a 41 ft. sloper, raised.
I only had time for a 2 hour operation, but managed 54 contacts across 40, 20, and 15 meters with the Xiegu G90. There seemed to be a lot of activity, which bodes well for this event.
It was chilly (upper 30s F) but after looking through other #winterfieldday posts, it looks like we got off pretty easy.
Beautiful day for some radio today! Talked to folks around the country and the local scenary in the park wasn't too shabby either.
#hamradio #winterfieldday
If I can get California to Maine on 10 meters with 100 watts into a #compromise #vertical #antenna meant for #mobile use, then maybe the #sun really is cooperating. Are you enjoying your #winterfieldday?
#winterfieldday #sun #mobile #antenna #vertical #compromise
#Winterfieldday with #cvarc was fun today. Setup my new Harbor Freight flagpole mast in the park today. Didn't make any contacts, but learned a lot with getting everything setup and troubleshooting the radio... and swapping out antennas. Plastic bags on the guy wires to make them more visible. Maybe black wasn't the best color choice... next time, flagging tape to highlight them. Did hear Canada on my 20m antenna, once I got the FT891 setup right. Only ended up w/30min on the air.
While waiting to pick things up for work, I tried to hit a few repeaters with my HT from my truck. Very, very quiet. Thus ends my annual "I should try to hit a repeater" attempt. #Winterfieldday
SPARC in the park. We operated for about four hours. Made 22 contacts and several new friends. Farthest contact was South Carolina. #winterfieldday #wfd
Having a great time with winter field day! We had some visitors stop over and say hello. They worked a distant station on 2M with 5 watts.
Currently operating on all bands as a 3-Oscar under VE3SKY.
Lots of success on 28.408 USB
#hamradio #amateurradio #wfd #winterfieldday #gta #GH #toronto