Molly Cantrell-Kringle ✅ · @mckra1g
1571 followers · 1688 posts · Server

Today we're going on a field trip — mostly staying in the Loop, River North, Gold Coast and Streeterville. I may go to the lake, but will start at the Art Institute of Chicago. Anything in particular you'd like to see?

#chicago #winterholiday #fieldtrip #christmas #boxingday #mentalhealthday #selfemployed #authorlife #author #books #art #museum #travel

Last updated 2 years ago

Road Not Taken · @yoohooair
75 followers · 395 posts · Server
MorganWolfe · @MorganWolfe
29 followers · 232 posts · Server

thread! Which one(s) do you celebrate? If I missed any I'll edit the post to add them. (Not a quiz because those only allow four options. Reverse alpha order.)

(& ) (& ) (& ; not listing all the Xmas-related holidays separately)

#winterholiday #holidays #yule #soyal #kwanzaa #kwanza #hanukkah #ḥanukka #chanukah #festivus #christmas #xmas

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Quigley Roarke · @pauly
2 followers · 6 posts · Server
panasaurusrex · @panasaurusrex
43 followers · 138 posts · Server

Ok, Mastodon, it's time... I'm planning a festive Hanukkah dinner. I have my challah sorted, and I know where to go for good desserts. I've been disappointed the last few times I made a brisket, and want to feel proud of my holiday meal. What's your go-to recipe?

Bonus points if you sell me on your favorite side dishes too. I love noodle kugel but my friends all think it's strange.

#winterholiday #hanukkah #jewishfood #jewish

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Sparks · @JonSparks
198 followers · 185 posts · Server

One way in which the books were ahead of their time was in the prominence of female characters. It was Nancy Blackett of the Amazon, not John Walker of the Swallow, who resonated with me and with countless others. In &Amazons, 4 of the 6 young leads are girls; in and (the two best of the series for me) it's 5 out of 8. As an adult I've grown to appreciate the imaginative Titty and the empathetic aspiring Dorothea as much as the rumbustious Nancy.

#writer #pigeonpost #winterholiday #swallows

Last updated 2 years ago

Burty · @BurtysXXXTales
84 followers · 19 posts · Server

All the posts showing the gays enjoying themselves in Gran Canaria and I can’t help thinking about the fact my ex and his new boyf not long came back having contracted Typhoid fever.

I take no satisfaction in that as the last time I was in GC 3 years ago I got food poisoning and spent 5 out of 7 days of my holiday confined to my hotel room. Good times.

#gay #grancanaria #gayholiday #holigay #gaysabroad #travelgay #travel #holiday #winterholiday

Last updated 2 years ago

ultrageranium · @320x200
1082 followers · 2438 posts · Server

The 2020 dictionary you did not ask is here!🎄 🎁 🎉

ECO, GREEN: you could recycle the box, the product is 50% theoretically recyclable but it's not worth processing it, so it's just all e-waste really.

FAIR TRADE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN: no idea how it's produced and by who. Our manufacturers have collected all sorts of labels that we can add on our PR.

FREE/OPEN, COMMUNITY, SHARING IS CARING: unpublished fork of Android, or OpenWrt, or was it FreeBSD 4.0? Kind of forgot, it was outsourced anyway.

SMART, AI: it has a quad-core processor to do annoying and useless stuff very fast.

LOCAL FIRST, DESIGNED IN HAPPY DEMOCRACIES: we sent design files and BOM to a factory in China.

MODULAR DESIGN, FUTURE PROOF: you can eventually change the crappy battery with another crappy battery.

CONNECTED, WIFI: it's stuffed with sensor and trackers and calling home 24/7 unencrypted using old software that we won't update. We will hoard the data though and sell it or something.

ONLINE SERVICES: Shitty web browser. There's also an app store with all sort of spyware from our partners.

ENERGY EFFICIENT, RESOURCE FRIENDLY: it used a ton of energy to design, produce, ship, and market, but yeah you can save 50 cents on your energy bill and look like you saved the world.


#guide #tech #buying #winterholiday #xmas

Last updated 4 years ago

Petit Lutin · @Petit_Lutin
123 followers · 2815 posts · Server