@Gina The weather looks so hot it's exhausting. I'm so glad we got extreme cold temperatures here right now. With windchill it dropped below -38ยฐC during the night! Open your window just a crack before going to bed, aaaah... You're sure not to feel hot under the sheets! Then again, if you open it too much you might not wake up. ๐
I'm stopping right now and putting my gloves back, before I get frostbite.
Enjoy your stay! ๐
@Gina The weather looks so hot it's exhausting. I'm so glad we got extreme cold temperatures here right now. With windchill it dropped below -38ยฐC during the night! Open your window just a crack before going to bed, aaaah... You're sure not to feel hot under the sheets! Then again, if you open it too much you might not wake up. ๐
I'm stopping right now and putting my gloves back, before I get frostbite.
Enjoy your stay! ๐
When my cat spends 5 minutes with her head through the opened patio door, trying to decide whether she'll go outside or not at -15ยฐC, I'm thinking to myself: I'm contributing to global warming.
When my cat spends 5 minutes with her head through the opened patio door, trying to decide whether she'll go outside or not at -15ยฐC, I'm thinking to myself: I'm contributing to global warming.
This is a bridge along the path that crosses a park between two boulevards, the path is about 1 km long. It ends up at a street light, going straight to the other side is a low trafic residential street. After a couple of other streets, there's a bicycle lane that goes up to about 1 km from my work place. Apart from this last section on an industrial avenue, the commute is quite safe.
This is a bridge along the path that crosses a park between two boulevards, the path is about 1 km long. It ends up at a street light, going straight to the other side is a low trafic residential street. After a couple of other streets, there's a bicycle lane that goes up to about 1 km from my work place. Apart from this last section on an industrial avenue, the commute is quite safe.
We'll I hope you're prepared for some shoveling, we're expecting 10-15 cm of snow tomorrow! And no, it's not a joke. ๐ญ
#AintOverUntilJune #winterincanada
LOL, that's nothing: to be able to get my bike out of the shed, I had to shovel a path to it through about 60-80cm of snow. 2 years ago we had 2-3 times as much snow!
1st photo: before
2nd photo: after
3rd photo: mid-February 2019 (snow was at least 170cm high on each side after shoveling)
How can you live in a country where it's hay fever season already. I don't have this issue here in Canada. Here's a picture from my window (that's my car down there) this Tuesday after the last snowfall.
I so relished this toot. ๐
(Hope it's clear it's all in good fun โบ)
We got freezing rain instead. There was 4 to 5 mm (5/32" to 3/16") of ice on my car windshield. It's ongoing through the day. What fun! Would have preferred the snow.
LOL, Weather Canada says we might get between 15 and 25 cm (6 to 10 in) of snow here starting tomorrow morning. Or it might be rain. Right now it's 3 degrees above freezing.
Apparently I'm not getting to my garden shed (where my #bike is stored) anytime soon!
The view from my office window one hour ago. Boss sent us home and closed the plant and office at 14:00. He's done this only twice in 9 winters.
@Gina beats unending rain, doesn't it? ๐
It's -21 C / -29 C felt this morning. (-6 F / -21 F felt)
So, short sleeve weather then! ๐
Well it started. We're expecting 15 to 20 cm of snow (6-8 in) until tonight.
It was a splendid sunny mid-afternoon to spend outdoors... shoveling. It was -15 C / -25 C with windchill (-5 F / -13 F), but hey, one shouldn't be picky!
Two coworkers and I spent 45 minutes to unstuck a car from the snow using shovels and my old trusty traction aids in the company parking lot, and after the others had left and I was about to, he finally shows off! ๐ก
To add insult to injury, the driver waved at me. ๐