#BPL #WinterReading! 6 regions, one book each, by Feb. 28. The Americas: Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor, Xiran Jay Zhao.
RT @EgmontInstitute
#WinterReading recommendations from @EgmontInstitute staff
“Nomad Century: How climate Migration will reshape the world” – @WanderingGaia Vince
Preparing the rest of my #WinterReading, & I'm apparently feeling the big ol' #doorstoppers.
After clearing a bunch of other smaller projects, finally started #SylviaWynter's collection of early essays, We Must Learn to Sit Down Together and Talk About a Little Culture, weighing in at a dense 648 pps. Almost done with J. M. Miro's #OrdinaryMonsters. Ordered both gigantic volumes of #VictoriaGoddard's Lays of the Hearth-Fire books (Hands of the Emperor will be a comfort re-read).
#winterreading #doorstoppers #sylviawynter #ordinarymonsters #victoriagoddard #bookstodon
RT @AlexDukalskis@twitter.com
"When Do Private Actors Engage in Censorship? Evidence from a Correspondents Experiment with Russian Private Media Firms"
by Quintin Beazer @cdcrabtree@twitter.com Christopher Fariss & Holger Kern in @BJPolS@twitter.com (2022) #WinterReading https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-political-science/article/abs/when-do-private-actors-engage-in-censorship-evidence-from-a-correspondence-experiment-with-russian-private-media-firms/A2EAE1BD14CE7740E389105E5DFEA205
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlexDukalskis/status/1601560515079073792