Put on the towing harness for a trail run and pulled one of the kids around on the trails in a sled.
Primary benefit: base
Ultimate benefit: Being able to say, "Yer Mudder's a badass!" mid run!
#TrailRunning #GetOutside #SledPull #OttawaRunners #WinterRunning #RunningWithKids #UltraRunning #UltraTrail #UltraRunner #Newfoundlander #Run #RunChat
#runchat #run #newfoundlander #ultrarunner #ultratrail #ultrarunning #runningwithkids #winterrunning #ottawarunners #sledpull #getoutside #trailrunning
Wednesday 5 km ✅ Messy run - but it was beautiful out - back on #TeamShorts as it warmed up to -10°C (I dislike wearing pants or tights). Sunrise is getting so early - must nearly be time for the time change (just get rid of that!).
Q: I'm considering doing a 5km walk and a 5km run - I don't really care about my stats getting messed up; just make it one Applewatch/strava session or break into two?
#teamshorts #running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Tuesday 6 km ✅ Snow day! Warm up was shovelling snow with @TAV, then a run in snow, picked up some groceries, and cool down was… shovelling more snow.
Closing out February at 229 KM feels really rough - it's the lowest number of KMs I've clocked since I started running in Jan 2020. Injuries suck, but I'm optimistic.
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Monday 5 km ✅ Okay run, still a bit sore, but it was nice and cool out.
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Sunday 6 km ✅ Woke up to another dump of snow and a windchill of -19°C, the run was slower but fun, and cool down was forty minutes of shovelling snow.
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Saturday 6km ✅ Good run in -20°C windchill, faster than I intended as I'm *trying* to take it easy so I can get back to my longer runs.
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Friday 5 km ✅ Another windchilly day (-28°C), still taking it easy, but it was a really good run. Even the vehicles that ignored the yield to pedestrians sign didn't bug me as much as normal. …unless I'm just accepting that most drivers just don't care to yield to pedestrians. 🤷🏻
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Thursday 6 km ✅ Snowfall overnight meant my warmup was shovelling the sidewalk. Run was good, though for some reason it felt colder than the -22°C windchill. 🤷🏻 Grocery store at the end of the run was mainly empty, about 1/3 masked (including myself).
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Wednesday 5 km ✅ Still sore. Good enough run, but I'm contemplating that my #RunEveryDay may have to come to an end after over 450 days for a bit. Decisions, decisions. :-/
#runeveryday #running #ottawa #streakrunning #winterrunning
Tuesday 5 km ✅ Taking it easy this morning in the -22°C windchill - no shorts today!
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Monday 22 km ✅ Figured it was worth a shot at a longer run to see. Generally a good run, lots of folks out getting steps in, with just enough cold rain to be annoying. I think I probably need to take it frustratingly easier for a bit longer.
#Running #Ottawa #RunEveryDay #StreakRunning #WinterRunning #TeamShorts #21km #HalfMarathon #NoFoodNoWater
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning #teamshorts #21km #halfmarathon #nofoodnowater
Sunday 5 km ✅ Forgot to post due to being lazy. Decent enough run, and the reward of laying about watching movies was a wonderful break.
#Running #Ottawa #RunEveryDay #StreakRunning #WinterRunning #TeamShorts
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning #teamshorts
Saturday 6km ✅ Still sore (long sigh), but a fun snow run, even with the -18°C windchill that of course really dropped off as I got to the grocery store. 🤷🏻
#winterrunning #running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning
When I say running in snow is fun, *this* is what I mean:
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Friday 8 km ✅ Started my day off with shovelling snow; I walked 1.2km shovelling, according to my watch. As usual, roads are generally cleared, sidewalks untouched (admittedly, it was early). Felt a bit twingy around 4KM, so I cut it short from the planned 10-12, guess I have a few more days of short runs ahead. :-/ At least running in snow is fun!
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning
Thursday 12 km ✅ Felt reasonably good, still a reasonable amount of black ice out there, but there were some puddles to splash in, so that was fun.
#Running #Ottawa #RunEveryDay #StreakRunning #WinterRunning #TeamShorts
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning #teamshorts
Wednesday 12 km ✅ Still a bit sore, but it felt good to put more KMs into my morning, even if there was some cold rain and plenty of black ice. Ended up walking for 100 metres or so chatting with someone in our neighbourhood. I do love this city.
#Running #Ottawa #RunEveryDay #StreakRunning #WinterRunning #TeamShorts #10km
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #streakrunning #winterrunning #teamshorts #10km
Tuesday 5 km ✅ Good run, even though black ice was pretty much everywhere. I think I can will chance a longer run tomorrow and see how the body responds to it - will decide in the morning after stretches (which I now do because I'm not an indestructible twenty-something anymore).
#Running #Ottawa #StreakRunning #RunEveryDay #WinterRunning #TeamShorts
#running #ottawa #streakrunning #runeveryday #winterrunning #teamshorts
Monday 5 km ✅ Slept in a bit today after another long day on set. Glad that's done for now! I think(?) my body is feeling better, but I think I'll hold off to Wednesday before trying anything longer. Maybe Tuesday? We'll see.
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #winterrunning #teamshorts
Sunday 5km ✅ Nearly became a hood ornament this morning. Giant pickup truck blowing a stop of course. 🤬
#running #ottawa #runeveryday #winterrunning #teamshorts