Checking in on my winter sown seedlings. I may have gone overboard for my first time. Lots of native plants and some lavender. All planted in January. #NativePlants #WinterSowing #Gardening
#nativeplants #wintersowing #gardening
Things that interest me
#foodforest #wintersowing #vermiculture #genealogy
Join me on my #Michigan #Gardener account on TikTok? Not much going on #gardening-wise right now but there will be in February when I start #wintersowing #seeds.
#michigan #gardener #gardening #wintersowing #seeds
I'll be winter sowing plenty of native perennial seeds, hoping to get more Lance-Leaved Coreopsis/ #Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata). Picture from June.
I like #coreopsis because it blooms for a long time, it's drought-tolerant, and its nectar attracts #butterflies and #bees.
The only downfall: it needs a lot of deadheading. It is not low maintenance in that regard.
But it sure is gorgeous, and I need more!
#gardeningforwildlife #wildflowers #nativeplants #nature #wintersowing #sowingseeds
#tickseed #coreopsis #butterflies #bees #gardeningforwildlife #wildflowers #nativeplants #nature #wintersowing #sowingseeds
I will be following:
#gardening #perennials #jewishhistory #geology #writing #infj #creativity #introversion #hematology #cancer #cannabis #capecod #wintersowing #kindness #yoga #trees #fungi #ocean #adhd #autism #neurodivergence #lgbtq #complexity #complexsystems #flowers #weather #transpersonal #spirituality #aging #introductions #twittermigration #ecology #dogsofmastodon #catsofmastodon #nerd